French mobile number

Does anyone know the easiest and cheapest way to obtain a french mobile phone number please.We are trying to open a joint bank account and they are insisting that we have a french mobile number each.We don,t really want another contract as we already have one which is ample along with two landlines.This number will probably never be used so any solution will do as long as it is easy to get and very cheap,thanks in advance for any ideas.

Try Free. I have been with them for many years and have my internet with them. If you have their internet you can have a number with a monthly cost of €0. I think, if you are not with Free, you can still have a number that costs €2 per month. Go to This is of course the very basic tariff. I subscribe this as I am not permanently my phone for everything you can use the phone for. Just calls, text and WhatsApp.

as a matter of interest, which bank is asking for the 2 phones???
OH and I have just the one mobile phone logged with our Credit Agricole…

… and in our case too with a joint account with Banque Populaire only one mobile with access to online banking…
Have you misunderstood their requirement?

I have a free mobile with FREE. Costs nothing each monthand I get two hours to use. Suits me as I only ever use it in emergencies and have no internet installed on it or any other items that cost. We got the phone in Super U for very little - Wiko.

I use Reglo Mobile from E LeClerc.

It has different tariffs but I use the simple PAYG which costs 1.50€ per month. It includes usage up to that amount, everything after that is charged.
Top up online.
You are emailed a statement every month.
Never had a problem.

Hi,thanks for replies,i will look at and i was already thinking about Reglo as i have an account with them already.It,s just that we have three mobile numbers(2 UK and 1 FR) and 2 landlines so i don,t need or want another one.The bank is a well established insurance company who have branched out in to banking,i have just had another email from them yesterday asking if i had a solution for the second french mobile number,so not misunderstanding anything,unless the person dealing with the application is misunderstanding the requirements,which is entirely possible.

I also have a free @ 2€/mth. When in the UK I actually use it to receive calls from France. Very good value. Never been a problem

Just wondering… have you asked them WHY they insist you have 2 mobiles???

No bank would get my business by insisting on 2 mobiles… in fact, we didn’t have even one mobile when we first opened our account…

Asked them twice,response is some nonsense about online joint accounts need a different french mobile number,now looking at other banks;so not too concerned at their silly requirements.

That’s just ridiculous. It would be very simple for just one app but with two login credentials - one to show the different transactions/personal details if they are concerned about retaining each customer’s private data.
I think you are making the right decision to look elsewhere. They are clearly not yet “on the page”.

Some banks provide for joined accounts 2 separate internet logins. Providing fully indepent logins (and so, independent recoveries of lost identifiers, etc…) requires 2 mobile numbers.