French Nationality for Dummies

Yes. But take photocopies of everything as you know all originals are sent by post (be sure to register them!


I can recommend an excellent traducteur assermenté - if you PM me I will advise details

Bonne chance


We are going to take the plunge so I’ve just read Catherine’s guide (thank you, it is great) then immediately followed the link to complete the online form. And of course I have stumbled at the first hurdle: what does <<Êtes-vous pris en charge par un tiers>> mean? Are they asking if we have a carte vitale?

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Google translate: “Are you supported by a third party”
I haven’t read the document your refer to so not able to comment on context but if it refers to health care, it will no doubt be asking if you have appropriate health care insurance.
The CV is a different issue.

Thanks Graham but I am still none-the-wiser! Third party? Are they asking if I have a carte vitale? I assume I’m not if I don’t even know what it is LOL!

I amended my reply to reflect that.
The CV is something different; I believe they are asking if you have Health Insurance. The French health care system is not ‘free at the point of delivery’ as in the UK.
It’s a complicated issue and you might be best getting appropriate advice on this from @fabien SF’s resident insurance specialist Insurance brokerage services from Fabien

It comes under the heading “Ressources”. They ask:

Êtes-vous pris en charge par un tiers ? (obligatoire)

Percevez-vous des allocations (allocations familiales, RSA…) ? (obligatoire)

Percevez-vous des indemnités journalières de la sécurité sociale ? (obligatoire)
(maladie, maternité, accident du travail)

Percevez-vous des revenus fonciers ? (obligatoire)

Percevez-vous des ressources en provenance de l’étranger ? (obligatoire)

It makes sense they are asking about health care cover so I’m going to answer yes… she says uncertainly! Dear God, day one and I’m already confused!

In France you provide answers ‘on your honour’. Speak to @fabien (his English is very good) and he can guide you through the process of getting appropriate insurances.

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Morning Katherine - welcome back to our jolly band.

I’m fairly confident that you would not really say Yes/Oui to a question you do not fully understand… on such a serious matter at Nationality.

In a completely different setting - yet equally serious - someone I know said Oui when he should have said a vehement Non - the result, wrecked his life.

I took that lesson on board and am very careful answering questions - whatever.

Hello Katherine

As Stella has already said you really should not be answering questions that you do not understand. That would be very foolish indeed.

You obviously need to get some help with this form before you make a huge mistake and cause yourself enormous problems.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you get it sorted.

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Hi Mandy and Stella

You are both completely correct! I am not really just going to answer yes (I was being flipant, sorry if the tone of my message didn’t make that clear). I have lived here 11 years so I know better than to be so silly.

I just hope someone can tell me what they are asking in this instance. In the meantime I’ve contacted Fabian as suggested by Graham and until I get a definitive response I’ve got plenty to do gathering all the paperwork from the four corners of the earth.

Thanks for the warnings though, it’s great that you are both so thoughtful

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Hi Katherine,

Don’t answer yes to all they are merely assessing the situation and you describe it as accurately as possible otherwise you might end-up being a fraud unintentionally.

To help you understand what each question means I’m copy/pasting and roughly translating them bellow:

  • Êtes-vous pris en charge par un tiers ? (obligatoire) => Are you someone’s dependent?
  • Percevez-vous des allocations (allocations familiales, RSA…) ? (obligatoire) => Are you perceiving some income from another French “fund” like the RSA, CAF, CPAM, PAJE, etc.?
  • Percevez-vous des indemnités journalières de la sécurité sociale ? (obligatoire)(maladie, maternité, accident du travail) => Do you receive any income from the French Social Security because of a sick leave, maternity leave or loss of income protection?
  • Percevez-vous des revenus fonciers ? (obligatoire) => Do you have any revenue generating estate?
  • Percevez-vous des ressources en provenance de l’étranger ? (obligatoire) => Do you have any revenue stream from abroad (from a French perspective… so the UK is abroad for us ;-))

No sooner said than done comme d’habitude from @fabien


Thank you, how efficient!

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Having gone through the process I have to say I found nothing onerous or intrusive. After all I was endeavouring to become French bec[quote=“fabien, post:182, topic:14172, full:true”]
Hi Katherine,

Don’t answer yes to all they are merely assessing the situation and you describe it as accurately as possible otherwise you might end-up being a fraud unintentionally.

To help you understand what each question means I’m copy/pasting and roughly translating them bellow:

  • Êtes-vous pris en charge par un tiers ? (obligatoire) => Are you someone’s dependent?
  • Percevez-vous des allocations (allocations familiales, RSA…) ? (obligatoire) => Are you perceiving some income from another French “fund” like the RSA, CAF, CPAM, PAJE, etc.?
  • Percevez-vous des indemnités journalières de la sécurité sociale ? (obligatoire)(maladie, maternité, accident du travail) => Do you receive any income from the French Social Security because of a sick leave, maternity leave or loss of income protection?
  • Percevez-vous des revenus fonciers ? (obligatoire) => Do you have any revenue generating estate?
  • Percevez-vous des ressources en provenance de l’étranger ? (obligatoire) => Do you have any revenue stream from abroad (from a French perspective… so the UK is abroad for us ;-))

Browsing an official government website, I came this delightful example of bureaucretese -
Le demandeur doit également avoir un niveau de connaissance de la langue française suffisant, “selon sa condition”.
Can anyone tell me, does being a deaf old git qualify?

provided you are a sufficiently aged… yes… :joy:

Yup, over 60 and they relax the language requirement. However, as far as I understand it, the interview will still be in French, they will want to check that you have an understanding of French culture, history etc etc you will still asked about how well you are integrated. But I don’t quite see how anyone can show that if they don’t speak French?

You start by practising your best Gallic shrug

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