Friendly French

We received an invitation this morning to dinner over the xmas/new year period, with some French friends in our village, I couldn't help but think how friendly and welcoming all the French in our village have been since we moved here 17 months ago speaking only the French we learned at school nearly 30 years ago.

As our weekly French lessons continue, our neighbours, who have patiently put up with our sign language and dictionary's, tell us how our French has improved. I couldn't help but think back to when we moved into a village in England just outside the town we grew up in, our children went to the local playgroup,school, brownies etc, but when we moved on 7 years later we were still 'offcomers'. It seems here in our village that we have been accepted by the locals as part of the community. We love our life here and couldn't go back to life in England now.

I think you are lucky as this doesn`t happen everywhere in France. Well not in my experience anyway.

How lovely. I'm sure you'll have a great time and good memories for later. You should tell your friends you mentioned this on SFN.