I am a little behind the curve but can anyone tell me what this means. I know (I think) that the médecins généralists were striking over it but what is at stake for them and for the public.
Also I pay for my mutuelle which gets regularly hammered by various visits to various specialists for the kids and myself. I am lucky enough to pick up summer work and there is an obligatory contribution to a mutuelle deducted from my pay. My insurer (naturally) advised me not to ditch my original top up scheme and I have never claimed on my summer job top up scheme. I would not know how to claim since the CPAM automatically sent reimbursement requests to my original alliance scheme.
I think these two questions are linked !
Helen, your first paragraph is the common-sense reaction...however the high-wage corporatists like notaries, lawyers, and now doctors have no wish to have more "office work" thrust on them. Thereis however in the new law a provision for company-paid notaries etc being allowed to set up shop, the fear there is that they will head overwhelmingly for the best big-city practices and there'll be no one in the countryside..it's a difficult issue...
Ok. Though I would have thought that the GP's would see little change since they already use a card machine to send their info.
Pretty useless having 2 mutuelles then. I had to keep my first to be eligible to reimbursement of 3 kids braces and a part time job mutuelle is only valid for a certain period after ceasing work.
The new law will propose that instead of you paying the doctor the 23 euro and then getting it back from the CPAM via Carte Vitale, the doctor will indicate the claim for 23 euro and be paid him or herself by the CPAM so you or me won't pay anything - this only concerning the usual visit to a "generaliste". They say it will mean massive bureaucracy for them - however they have whispered to the minister that if they get it raised from 23 euro to 25 euro it will be perfectly alright... nudge nudge nod's as good as a wink...