Gites and Auto Entrepreneur

Hello everyone. Just wondered if anyone else has come across this. When I set up my gite as AE in 2009 i sought advice from my accountant when I received my first qtly RSI return about which line i declare my income. They advised that it would be other presentation de service attracting cotisations and tax of 23.5% It seems from a professional business adviser, the chambre of commerce and the countries central impot office say that it should be ventes de merchandises as the principle activity is it comes under hebergement touristique et autre hebergement de courte duree with a APE code 5520Z. I am now in a full scale argument with my accountant as she says that you have to classified by the prefecture to pay under this heading. She cannot show me it in black and white anywhere where it says this and after many emails backwards and forwards she is refusing to budge on the answer she has given even though 3 other parties disagree with her, but has admitted that it is some local tax offices that are insisting on this and that is what she is going with. She also agrees that it is ambiguous. I just wondered if anyone else can shed some light on this subject or has had this experience. Incidentally I would say that parties who disagree with her have all put that it should be paid under ventes de merchandises in writing by email and she still doesn't agree. Help!