Giving up drinking?

Oh Bill, I wasn’t pointing my finger at you, you goose! :point_right::joy::joy::joy::wine_glass:

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I hope posters will be relieved to know that these statistics were ‘warped’ by including death through drunken driving, which apparently is the primary cause of alcohol related death among under 45s(?).


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The Lancet article makes such depressing reading that I think I’ll go and get the whisky out to cheer myself up.:grin:


Good thinking Robert, Cheers :wine_glass: :slightly_smiling_face:

Well of course it does not apply to everbody but apart from all the anti-social behaviour associated with drinking such as the rowdiness, littering, domestic abuse and dangerous driving we also have to accomodate friends who, frankly, can become tedious and repetitive.

I know how to win friends.

ones who are tedious and repetitive? :slightly_smiling_face:

I have got a few………….love 'em really.:wink:

:+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

What sort of “actual physical mechanism of causality” would you accept? There are already lots of known mechanisms of damage that alcohol causes our bodies, from directly damaging DNA within cells to precipitating inflammation. Also, are you sufficiently experienced and knowledgeable to state “there are some fundamental problems with epidemiological methodologies”, with evidence and examples to support your position? I suspect not.

It’s interesting that there is always so much of a response when additional evidence pops up showing that alcohol is bad for you, which often attempts to rubbish the evidence. I wonder if it’s people trying to justify doing what they know is bad for them. They shouldn’t, of course, as there’s nothing wrong accepting the evidence and making a rational decision to accept the higher risk of drinking more alcohol.


:+1: Cheers Rob! :slightly_smiling_face:

Interesting fact: there is a rare condition called “Auto Brewery Syndrome” where the gut becomes colonised with yeast which then ferments sugar in food to produce intoxicating amounts of alcohol.

At least that’s my defence m’lud :slight_smile:

Seriously, evidence against alcohol is stacking up - not just the “obvious” damage that chronic high consumption causes but it is almost certainly linked to a wide range of cancers (including bowel, breast, mouth, throat, larynx, oesophagus and, unsurprisingly liver). It can also cause heart damage, pancreatitis, poor sleep and high blood pressure and many alcoholic drinks are sugary and highly calorific leading to obesity (alcohol is also fairly calorific being a carbohydrate).

It’s also a widely used social lubricant and is frequently pleasant to drink so I’m not planning on giving up totally  any time soon (but I am, temporarily, going to have to cut it out almost completely as I need to lose some weight).

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Too much information Paul, :open_mouth:
But at least, I’m not fat :rofl:


“Tout est poison, et rien n’est sans poison; ce qui fait le poison c’est la dose.”


It’s a bit like the exchange rate…intake may go up or down🍷


sola dosis facit venenum


I think both drinking (and smoking) are much maligned and not necessarily the causal link…

I’ve had periods in my life where I’ve thought yeah ok I really must lose some weight… and then periods in my life where enormous amounts of stress have made me lose sooooo much weight despite no difference in eating or drinking…

Before I had my kids I remember coming across a colour spectrum diet…to lose weight it advocated “red”…so pizza red wine anything on the red spectrum…and to gain weight anything on the blue/green spectrum…lettuce etc…

It worked really well…I suppose by breaking the “inner hate speech”…those self destructive thoughts we bombard our inner self with every single day…???

We are all different, I lose weight in winter, put it on in summer, think I burn a lot keeping warm :thinking:

Wow, I’ll have some of whatever the author of that was smoking! :stoned:


Me too but I exercise more in the winter.