Going feral

Are there maximum area (size) restrictions of a construction if not breaching the 1.8m height Tim?

I am thinking if it differs in the case of, say, a lean-to conservatory, or freestanding garden shed?

Hi, It depends on your commune and if it has any specific regulations. Generally the national rule is simple/ Under 5m2 of ‘emprise au sol’ (that is the shade the building casts on the ground at 12 noon - vertical sun - excluding unsupported roof overhangs) no permits are needed. Up to 20m2 you need to make a ‘déclaration préalable’ (nearly as complicated as a planning application). Over 20m2 you need to make a full planning application. The best is to check with your mairie on any commune specific rules and regulations. If they have a PLU you will need to conform to its requirements so get a copy and read the part that applies to your zone. The whole planning system is changing right now across France anyway.

Late addition; Whatever it must not exceed 12m in height to escape planning permission.!

Another question re the 5m2 - is there a maximum number of 5m2 structures you’re allowed on one property?

Thanks Tim. Errr. Was that 12 metres? 39 feet height? So 1.8m is ok subject to the ground areas you mentioned? Is the 12 metres to force planning permissions for things like aerials whose ground area is well under 5 sqm?

KarenLot, already stated: “The best is to check with your mairie on any commune specific rules and regulations.” Thanks.

Thanks, Tim.

Good question! As I said, “The best is to check with your mairie on any commune specific rules and regulations.”

Ok Tim, no probs, and thanks for coming back anyway - not thinking of building a commune, but may be adding some storage space :grin:

Further, and last, precision. The 5m2 “emprise au sol” has to be taken with the “surface plancher”. So if you had a 11.99m high it could not have a floor above the ground. The surface plancher is also limited to the 5m2. They get you both ways!

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It’s an anecdote Tim, from 40 years ago, in the middle of nowhere in mid west Wales. Chill.
My current home, in France is very well insulated. It’s RT2012. We make a profit on our energy as we use bugger all to heat the house. What little energy expenditure we have comes from producing hot water, and most of that is driven by solar energy anyway.