Has anyone had Insulation for €1?

I see ads popping up on Facebook and in banner adverts for heavily subsidised insulation.
I had a look at one such web site, it is hard to get any information without first signing up. They state that all one needs to supply is Justificatif Domicile, and a tax bill to prove income.
We have a few bits of insukation haphazardly installed by the previous owners. I would like to improve on that for those cold winter nights. I could install insulation myself, but the chance of being able to get it installed for a lot less does appeal.
We have just received our first tax summary, so now have French taxidnetifiers.We are not yet registered on Amelie, I am taking an early pension from august so will have proof if income to register then. I mention this in case there are additional checks, hence my question :
Does anyone have any experience with this?

Someone will chime in… but, if memory serves me… the property must be your main residence, your income must be below a certain level… and the work has to be done by a certain companyies)…

If your situation ticks all the correct boxes, you may well get it for 1 €… if not, they will tell you how much you will have to pay… and there is (?) a sliding scale of charges depending on income etc…

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@Stella, yes I do seem to fit the requirements as stated. My reason for questioning stems from all those years in th zUK of receiving double-glazing cold calls.
“If you could have free double-glazed windows , how many would you want? 3, 5 or 7 …?” is how most would start. Having a 15thC grade 2 listed building would not deter them.
Is there a scheme in France that subsidises insulation so heavily, and has anyone here benefited from it? Or, is it just a means of harvesting names, numbers and email addresses for selling on?

Hi Martin… Aha… this is coming from a phone call ???

Ask at your Mairie, they will know what is on offer…may even have the pamphlets. I would be very wary of phone-call appointments… been there, done that and sent them packing with the proverbial flea…

Insulation is a national project at the moment. … but some unscrupulous folk will always jump on that sort of bandwagon… (not all phone-callers are baddies, but the English are easy targets and I have spent much time extricating folk from unsuitable agreements…) :zipper_mouth_face:

I have just one more thought…
the 1 € might relate to the blow-in stuff… blowing insulation in a sealed loft space. I think this may have been discussed elsewhere on the Forum.

I do know a french couple who have benefited. Their loft was completely sealed and thus could benefit from the “offer” … but they saw the Advert/Pamphlet and made their own application.

4 links to trundle through. …in your spare time…:rofl:


I’ve just run an “eligibility test” and got this result…

"Non sommes navrés, au vu des informations transmises, vous n’êtes pas éligible à l’offre d’isolation à 1€ pour les raisons suivantes :

Votre département ne fait pas partie de la zone climatique H1 : votre département n'est donc pas éligible " 

Which rather gives the lie to those folk who keep cold-calling me… :frowning_face:

If you use one of the links… and ARE eligible, they will contact you… that is rather different to cold-calling… :wink:

@Magwych here is one of the previous discussions…

Hmm, if it is true that they only use blown glass fibre I would not fancy that. I don’t care about the mice, our cats are quite happy dealing with them :blush:

It seems one member turned it down because of the requirement to seal off the attic, and another heard if a couple in a village nearby.

There are aspects of blown glass fibre that do raise health concerns to me. That u s surprising consu dering the costs and environmental brownie points of using recycled cellulose.

Think I will take a stroll down to the mairie and ask. If that were the only choice I would rather dig into our savings for a better product and do it myself…