Health post transition

You are assuming rational, functioning government - neither of which is a given right now, especially where Brexit is concerned.

I would not put it past this lot to tear up the WA completely - certainly ignoring the S1 provisions is plausible because it involves EU health services billing the UK. That was already brought up as an “isn’t it terrible that the EU get much more from us for healthcare than we get from them” in the pre-referendum debate, so it could easily get dragged up again.

I hope that it won’t, of course.

FUD !!


thanks for that reply……the basic issue as you say is

Which is slightly ambiguous if you were in France prior to Jan 1 2021 but reach State Pension age afterwards.

if they didn’t get it as they only reach pension age after 2021 (though they are prior to the Dec 2020 deadline) then it could be expensive

not sure how or from whom to get a definitive answer.

Many thanks.


Read the Withdrawal Agreement Title III which deals with coordination of social security systems. Basically what you have now is guaranteed for the future so if you are protected by the lifetime guarantees of the Withdrawal Agreement & the UK is your competent state for healthcare then when you reach pension age you are entitled to an S1 to confirm the UK will pay for healthcare in your host state.

The EU Guidance Note on the citizens rights in the WA gives explanations & examples.