Heroin Addiction

A friend's adult child has confessed to me to being a heroin addict and has been for five years. I had to promise not to tell the parents before I knew what I was going to be told. They are here in France the adult child is in the UK. Any thoughts?

Actually, you're right. Finished for me too. It's gone too far away from Sandra's question.

Hear hear Lis.

And a Happy New Year to you too! x

100% agree Catharine. Thank you!

I thought we had finished all this yesterday by wishing Sandra all the best and look after herself first and foremost... what has this become...I have seen nothing but SURVIVE FRANCE NETWORK 'He...popping up in my email in-tray non-stop...this was not what Sandra wanted and asked for...does this actually encourage anybody to come forward to discuss ask for a bit of advice/help - thought we were here to support each other just a bit...not this surely!

Let's just stop here...PLEASE...enough is enough, sure you all or at least some of you have some kind of a life to attend to!!!!

On that note I wish you all a Happy New Year...over and out... :)

I did, to quote:

Determining exactly how long heroin is detectable in the body depends on many variables, including which kind drug test is being used. Heroin - also known as Diacetylmorphine, horse, smack, dragons tail, smack, junk, H - can be detected for a shorter time with some tests, but can be "visible" for up to three months in other tests.

The timetable for detecting heroin in the system is also dependent upon each individual's metabolism, body mass, age, hydration level, physical activity, health conditions and other factors, making it almost impossible to determine an exact time heroin will show up on a drug test.

Urine Test: 2-4 days

Old and crotchety, perhaps I am. But I am not flying human beings from A to B and risking THEIR lives, thank you!

Whoops, Emirates Airlines...

Why not look up drug detention times in your body before giving yourself a heart attack there sweety. Makes you look old and crotchety.

Well I have no practical experience / input to add but just wanted to say hang on in there James.

And, can we please stop being so judgmental? Not really very SFN is it?

I'm finding some of the comments a bit much esp. given the number of expats I have met who seem to think drink driving is perfectly okay.....

Stupid? No , stupid would be to say gulf air when I clearly said another. Stupid. And what law enforcement acency would you call? How is ID positively ascertained here? Who would you call? And tell them what? And who would you report? No my man, that sounds stupid, not what I said…

Again Martin, I agree. If he was really so stupid as to say he is flying Boeings for Gulf Air then he may well be asking for that to happen anyway. It is the cost of life if he blows it that particularly concerns me and then the examinations not working behind that. It is simply scary. I am not a whistle blower though and would prefer to stay that way for a set of good reasons that I shall keep to myself.

James/Catherine, this guy needs reporting to the relevant authorities ASAP. If he is flying, I doubt it, he’s a severe danger to himself and others. If he can avoid the testing then the whole management chain is rotten and needs sorting. His login details etc and IP address on your server will pinpoint him and enable the authorities to root him out.

72 hours and smack or any other drug out of your system! Two weeks ago I was 'weaned off' one cardio medication for 10 days in order for my body, including urine and blood, to be clear enough for testing. That substance, temerit, is orange juice compared to H. Good English expression: Pull the other leg, it's got bells on.

By the way, since you gave the name of the company you say you fly for, each and every one of us could now turn you in. Clever move...

As for martin, and nay Sayers , feel free to add me to Facebook, and watch my cock pit videos or maybe 777 class graduation pics .
Email for Facebook is


Or send yours

And no, I don’t fly high, I thought I had made it clear I had been clean for a long time. The methadone just started a little while ago, and is really just a “in case of emergency(me wanting to use oxy or heroin)” kinda deal. As far as my medicinal ticket, a second class medical exam, and the subsequent “ticket” , is required for first officers on heavies and captains on lights has no drug test. The drug tests are conducted by the company. There is a pre employment, a random, a reasonable suspicion test, and a post incident. Seeing as how my boss is the urinalysis coordinator, I have a 72 hours heads up before I pee. For getting meds in france your right. Bit hat doesn’t alleviate how easy it is. Step 1, go to dog, complain of torn meniscus your getting operated on in the two month neighborhood. Take prescription to pharm. They never carry oxy or other heavy heavy narcotics in hand so I usually have to wait till after 5:30 pm or the next morning. And lastly. I look to no one for validation. I know who I am, and better yet and pretty comfortable in my own skin. It’s a lot more than most people can say. Sure, I use a Little dope. But I know who I am and what I like. 25,000,000 frequent narcotic users can’t be wrong. Sure , do I wish I had never done it. But that’s life"…And as one person put. Cocaine and weed, and meth aren’t narcotics. Narcotics and only narcotics come from the opium poppy. Nothing else.

As you James. In my dreams!

You fly ,Martin?

That is the nail hit firmly on the head. Great!

Martin, unapologetically - I must absolutely agree.

Sorry to hear that Jim. I think that the problem I & others have is of you driving a plane. Logic says that the controls in place won't let you do it but if they don't work & you do then I ain't flying again ;-) Going "back on the dope" after all you tell us you have been through! What the hell would that achieve?