How come that suddenly, you have to look on the bright side of life

… I can edit all the thread titles?
Should I be able to?
Can everyone do this?

You have obviously acquired “regular” status - yes, looks like it was 15 days ago.


Well aren’t I the observant one, I only just noticed :grinning::grinning::grinning: Thanks for explaining it Paul.


I didn’t realise that was a thing either, you could have lots of mischievous fun…?


“With great power comes great responsibility” or some such other overused Hollywoodian trope…

I hope somebody told Boris that :grinning:


How come that suddenly, in a blinding flash,
From many a secret source, sweet verses stream…?:thinking:
To disappear as quickly as they came…:hugs:

See what I did :smiley: :crazy_face: :rofl:


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I promise not to do it again! :smiley:

Time for the Editor to step in, I reckon!

It’s an afterthought tribute of sorts to the Monty Python star, Terry Jones RIP.

“You are a very naughty boy” :wink:

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I am, I am.

And what’s more, I think I’ve caught WooHoo 'flu on my way to the shops from a passing aeroplane, that looked Chinese.

Do you think I should hand myself in to the Mairie ?

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You mentioned Monty Python, just a line from Life of Brian :wink:

:notes:Bumbarbumbarbumbarbumbarbumbarbum… :notes:

Ok very funny but please don’t do this again.
It’s an unwritten given that that this is a feature only ever occasionally used by @james and @Stella if absolutely necessary.


I’ve done it a few times when the heading is misspelt or doesn’t make sense… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I think I have done it once or twice where it seemed appropriate - the thread which drifted over several topics and a few people complained the title no longer reflected the content and this one, mainly for humorous effect.

Normally I would always respect the original choice of title.

Graham and Paul have, indeed, helped with the sense of the threads… but @cat is quite correct to point the etiquette…

I try and only edit if necessary and more often with the consent of the poster… :wink:

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I don’t intend to ever use this function. I wondered if I’d acqired it as a result of a forum glitch. That’s why asked the question, and Paul gave the answer in the first reply.
All these badges and statuses and permissions are a bit of a mystery to me, I don’t get the point.