How long before tribunal judiciaire gets in touch?

Hi all
I’ve finally sent my formulaire de renonciation a la succession to the tribunal judiciare.
I’m sure that they are overworked and that I will have to be patient.
However, can anyone tell me roughly how many weeks or months I will be waiting for my recepisse?
And after how much time should I chase them if I don’t hear anything? (Not knowing increases my anxiety.)
Or are chase up letters frowned upon?

We got ours immediately by the Greffier at the TGI but that was 12 years ago now. The reacceptance was also immediate via my lawyer who took it over for us.

I am wondering if I will be told if Fran’s 3 renounce the inheritance, admittedly it would cause the unfreezing of her LEP, but they might not tell me.

Apparently, when an heir renounces, the Tribunal publishes this so that the deceased’s creditors know who to contact and to not contact.

Thank you, but where is it published?