How long is your working day?

Always start at 8h45, so the office is ready to open at 9h00. When I work only in the morning, I finish at 13h00, if not, end of the day around 18h00, see more, with a lunch break of 1 hour.
At the end, I’m suppose to work an average of 20 hours a week, but always finish up with extra time paid !

Saturday is often our longest working day as it is changeover day for our gite.

laundry day which is weather dependant.

Always a difficult day as I find blemishes and stains on the bedding and towels…always!
Just over 2 more weeks to go and then the work is mainly admin.

And cleaning of course!

I regularly do a 14 . 5 hour day. I need to do one most weeks to ensure sufficient income but if I do more then I can also have extra days off .

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We have our last guests this week, but the family are coming after that.

With two small boys it is always untidier after their stay, but we don’t have the time pressure.

Leave home 0700 start work 0755
Go home at 1800ish get home by 1900

yes you can clean up when you wish.
Yes 2 more weeks to go and then we get ready for a party with close
friends coming from uk and also friends from here.
Masses of cooking …….and then a few days holiday with 2 of my friends.

My holiday consists in lots of family /friends coming either to stay or just for lunch/supper and a swim so I have been making beds and cooking for 7 to 20 depending all summer. But they aren’t clients so there isn’t the same pressure. It makes a nice change from my paid job.

I love it when friends come to stay and it is a good excuse to cook together and go to restaurants.
Lots of talking…but not about politics!

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