Hurricane Klaus

Listening to forecasts of extremely high winds on the Atlantic coast reminds me of Hurricane Klaus which devastated large swathes of Aquitaine in January '09 and completely destroyed a house belonging to a friend of mine. Batten down your hatches.

You can read Catharine's post about that here.

Very high winds expected across France tomorrow night (Sun 10th Jan 2105), hopefully not a repeat of Klaus!

Wow - impressive photos - must have been an even more impressive storm…

We was 'ere - January 17th. Fortunately we were on the edge so had minor damage apart from 4 big trees down but part of the house was flooded. Year before 11th June we had a violent typhoon and hail storm which was a white out and dumped several feet of of 2 inch diameter ice balls all over the place. The storm was about 2 miles wide and went inland up into the Gers at Saint Mont wrecking vineyards and maize as it went.