I am confused...again

That sometimes maiden names are used on documents etc?
I cannot remember which one, but one of our utility bills has my husbands surname and my maiden name. I vaguely remember asking years ago and was told this happens in France :thinking:

It does happen in France. Your maiden name is your name…

Laws have existed since the French Revolution stating that “no citizen can use a first name or surname other than that written on their birth certificate”

So yes, your maiden name is your name :wink:
So, for example, Vanessa’s CdS shows her maiden name ep. married name

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Absolutely normal here. have you noticed on forms that you have to put your name (maiden) and then underneath it normally says ‘nom de usage’? that is where you put your married name :slightly_smiling_face:

My last bank I had my cheque book / bank account with my maiden name too, I wish I still did now dad has passed on and my only brother only has girls!

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@toryroo explains “My last bank I had my cheque book / bank account with my maiden name too, I wish I still did now dad has passed on and my only brother only has girls!”


As non sequiturs go, I think there could never be
another non sequitur not to follow it! :upside_down_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But condolences are due for your several losses, Tory! :hugs:


Thank you for your responses :hugs:
So my french driving licence, when it arrives, will be in my maiden name ?

Mine is:

epouse WOOD


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I hope my PdC arrives soon, my UK licence has now expired!

You’ve got your proof it’s in the system… haven’t you??? your new PdC

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Yes Stella I have the confirmation email :+1:
I think I will print it this computer is on the blink, again :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

yep… print the email and keep it with you and the old UK one until your new French one arrives…


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What I find quite funny is that, despite the emphasis on maiden names, French systems do still expect you to have a married surname. I never changed my name on marriage, and that has caused endless confusions. All our tax bills are addressed to M et Mme Qwert, but there is no such person as Mme Qwert! Ameli doesn’t like it either and keeps wanting me to change my name.

When I applied for my CdS I had a battle with tax office to persuade them that Mme Qwert didn’t exist and give me bills in my own, legal, name.