I wish I was just a little bit more technical!

HI all,

I have a technical query...I cleared out my bowsing history about 2 days ago as I was having trouble accessing one of the sites I use, (I am using Windows 7).

Since then I keep getting error messages from the little jigsaw puzzle man (I think he represents Flash player) telling me that the page I am on is not responding.

I have tried downloading the latest version of flash player and restarting my computer after but this has not solved the problem...

I'm usually pretty good at solving performance issues but this has me stumped...Can anyone make sense of my babble and give me some advice?

Also whenever I try to download the latest version of JS, I get an error message saying that the file cannot be found...?

Many thanks

LOL. Thanks Matt - will check it out.

Might help if I paste the link lol



Ha if I could snowboard on it I would have no issues :))

I am assuming you are using Google Chrome, so this is a thought, memory usage on your laptop, I have attached an article that is worth a read through..

The reply submitted by a mato022, second reply to question posed, is worth a play around with, even to just eliminate this as the cause.

This would not explain why it has only started happening since you cleared the history, cache etc, but also the article says further down it could be that the software has become corrupt and the easiest solution there is to remove and reinstall.

Don't worry...we ony had sun yesterday and temperatures are varying between 2°c and 13°c...with lots of rain!!! This of course means lots of snow on the mountains so the skiers are happy!

I did uninstall before reinstalling...I've only had one error message this morning so far and I had 9 different pages open at one point so maybe it's getting better....

When I cleared the history, I also cleared the cache and all the other bits. What I found strange is that I've only had the problem since I cleared all that out...!?!

Haha, no fingers are still cold, averaging around -10 at the moment, freezing pipes, van is rebelling daily and won't start........don't tell me it is sunny and warm down with you!!! LOL

Right had a scoot around online last night, can't find much re the message you get relating to Flash though, but similar relating to various issues with Google Chrome. Is it Google Chrome that you are using? I see you cleared out your History, did you also delete cache, temp files etc etc? Worth doing if not.

Wouldn't have thought your Graphics card would be causing the issue personally, I think it is more browser based, or browser add on based, have you checked to see what add ons you have on your browser? are there any in there that seem suspect? This again can be cross referenced with Google if you are not sure what to keep or remove.

If you feel that Flash is responsible, have you tried un-installing Flash and then installing the latest version rather than just upgrading it?

If not, just a quick note, always reboot the PC after removing software to clear the system, just good practice.

Let me know how you get on.

A cold Matt!

Found this on t'Internet....I know I have a problem with my graphic card because my computer had an "accident" with a platform at Bordeaux Train station in 2011...the guy who fixed me told me that the Graphic card pilot caused the system to crash so I shouldn't update it...

Bonjour à tous,

Si vous rencontrez fréquemment des erreurs du plug-in Shockwave Flash, il est possible que ces erreurs proviennent d'un des problèmes ci-dessous. Vous pouvez donc essayer les différentes étapes de résolution présentées une par une.

1. Il est possible que votre version de Google Chrome ne soit pas à jour. Vous pouvez vérifier le numéro de version de Google Chrome en tapant about:version dans la barre d'adresses.

2. Il existe un pilote de Sony qui peut être à l'origine de plantages s'il n'est pas à jour. Essayez de télécharger et d'installer la mise à jour à l'adresse suivante : http://dlv.update.sony.net/pub/vaio/download/EP0000166578/EP0000166578.exe

3. L'accélération matérielle d'Adobe Flash peut également être source de problèmes. L'accélération matérielle est un procédé qui permet d'améliorer les performances de votre carte graphique. Toutefois, si le pilote de votre carte graphique n'est pas à jour, elle peut être source de plantages. Pour désactiver l'accélération matérielle, faites un clic droit sur une vidéo, sélectionnez Paramètres, puis décochez la case "Activer l'accélération matérielle".

4. La gestion vidéo du Bluetooth peut également être source d'incompatibilité. Une solution peut tout simplement consister à renommer un fichier de gestion Bluetooth dans le dossier System32. Rendez-vous dans Mon ordinateur > C: > Windows > System32, et renommez le fichier BtwVdpCapFilter.dll en BtwVdpCapFilter1.dll

Si ces quelques étapes de résolution n'apportent pas d'amélioration et que votre plug-in Shockwave Flash continue d'être une source récurrente de plantage pour Google Chrome, merci de votre patience ! Soyez assurés que ce souci est actuellement une priorité pour nous.

Mise à jour : je désactive ce fil de discussion, trop long pour être véritablement efficace. Si après avoir suivi ces démarches le problème persiste, merci de créer un nouveau fil de discussion.

Merci !


Hi Matt,

I tried updating shockwave player and flash player and things appear to be better...ish

However sometimes when a page freezes and I close it, I get a message saying "It's dead Jim" with a sad faced jigsaw puzzle...I'm going to see if I can find a forum with some answers...

I have finally managed to get my printer to work with my laptop (as opposed to against it!!) and on wireless to boot ;)

LOL! How are your fingers???

Haha, my hands are so cold my typing has gone all wonky lol !?

Hi Damaris, hope all is good, -15 here this morning =0

What is the error message that comes up?

Have you googled the error message? this normally presents you with simialr if not the same issues on techie forums that you can work from to locate and fix your problem.

If you stuck let me know the error and will happily have a look :)