In search of the Haggis

We are hoping to have some friends over for a Burns Night Supper on the 25th January but we are having trouble sourcing the main attraction...the haggis! Can anyone please help us with contact details of a local (ie Aude/Ariege) supplier?

Thanks for all your help on this. It appears that Epicerie Barenton may be the best option for us.

We also had concerns about safe delivery but went ahead and had a large order Christmas 2012 from Barenton and inspite of a delay everything arrived with the gel packs still really cold and everything was fine. We would be happy to order again if we need another bulk delivery.

It is sent out frozen in ice packs. Neither Barenton nor MacSween guarantee arrival in ice but by using express deliveries aim for the haggis to arrive before it thaws. For that reason the delivery from Paris seems the better option anyway.

Not sure how they keep it chilled...or do they.

Must do. Barenton or Scotland it is ab out the chill factor.

Talked to the bloke who proposed this year's Burns supper last night. He thinks we really need two Chieftains (16-20 portions) which are about £30 each, with obligatory express delivery for perishable goods from Scotland being over £20 (which would be the same for a smaller one (6-8 portions)) there is no choice but to spend around €100. The ones from Barenton are 8-10 portion size (907g) at around €18 including postage. That means five of them would be a bit over €90 so I suspect they'll go for that. Also, delivery inside France means it should arrive in a far better state and a wee bit quicker at that.

Macsween haggis is possibly the best.

Yep, and it is MacSween's too and the price is only a tad more than in Scotland.

Hi Philip

If you find difficulty in finding a local source, I believe that Macsweens of Edinburgh deliver all over the world. Here's a link to their site:

Hope this helps


Think that epicerie barenton have haggis and they do mail order… I can highly recomend their sausages and bacon as well. Alternatively you could try making your self, I did a couple of years back although it ended up more as a meat loaf as I didn’t have a stomach to cook it in, it was pretty good