Information covis Booster

Hello all I did look through but couldn’t see an answer if there is my apologies. I am trying to find out If I am able to get a covid booster in France? I got my first two in UK but now live in France. I have private insurance not yet on French health system . Thank you

I’m sure you can. Talk to your MT (GP) or a chemist, they’ll sort you out :slightly_smiling_face:

I guess I could try thanks

If you meet the criteria then you can get one now.

So, if you are over 65, and had your second jab over 6 months ago you don’t need to go to your doctor but can just book directly online or with a pharmacy.

If you have specific diseases or immune system problems then you might need to get a prescription from a doctor first as you will not be in the system.

Otherwise if over 50 you need to wait until next month.

Le rappel vaccinal concerne :

  • toutes les personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus ;
  • toutes les personnes ayant reçu le vaccin Janssen ;
  • tous les adultes, quel que soit leur âge :
    • [souffrant de pathologie ……(see list)
    • sévèrement immunodéprimées et leur entourage adulte ;
    • professionnels de santé, salariés du secteur de la santé et du secteur médico-social, aides à domicile intervenant auprès de personnes vulnérables, professionnels du transport sanitaire, pompiers.

Lors de son allocution du 9 novembre 2021, le président Emmanuel Macron a annoncé que la campagne de rappel sera élargie début décembre aux Français de 50 à 64 ans .

Hello and thanks were 65 yrs Dec seems about right . I wasn’t sure as had the first two in UK . Wondered if had to pay though as not yet on system ? Will pop to pharmacy maybe to check. Am going back to UK in Dec but looks like they may introduce quarantine if not had booster by then. Ever changing hard to keep up thanks

You’ll find folk in the pharmacies are very helpful… so … my friendly advice is… there’s no “maybe” about it… go along now and talk things through. If you can get a booster here before going back to UK… why on earth not ???

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Unlikely, the French are keen that anyone on their soil is vaccinated! Most centres have no way to charge people anyway…

thanks will do