I have registered as an AE a couple of months ago and I am receiving 2 letters today to inform me that someone in the name of ME has registered my enterprise a week ago to www.net-entreprises.fr (I don't remember doing that) and that this subscription will permit me to make my "déclarations sociales" or I can modify this subscription by phoning a phone number @0,12 TTC/min).
Can anyone tell me what I should do about that, is it legit?
Thanks a lot for all the answers received. I went through the various emails and letters received since I registered as an AE and it turns out to be, as someone suggested, that I have been subscribed to www.net-entreprises.fr automatically so that I could file and pay my taxes online - So thanks very much, all is clear now, except that I have another question:
I registered as an AE on February 1st 2014, if I understand well, I DO NOT have to declare my incomes before 31/07/2014
It is free to sign up, but not at all obligatory. The government is attempting to facilitate the lives of companies by enabling them to file/pay certain contributions and declarations online via direct debit. However, you can also do this when you receive the official demand from the corresponding organisation, URSSAF, CIPAV, RSI, etc, i.e. you can set up standing orders if you wish (or else pay manually as and when they are due). If you expect to have a fair turnover, you might be wise to hire an accountant - I find mine to be relatively expensive for what I get back in return, so best advice is to shop around. Some accountants will also agree to deal with the social contribution side of things as well, usually for an extra fee, and even pay slips if you are hiring staff for your business.
You are wise to be wary of potential scams, there are some out there, mostly intent on getting you to sign up to registries for which you have absolutely no use or need. I have also seen reports of scam sites that attempt to get you to sign up and then try and extort monies from you, at least I have been warned thereof by my accountant.
It sounds very strange to me as well. I do use them to declare but I've never had anything to say I was subscribed automatically. It's not one of those letters saying you need to register in the directory is it for some exorbitant fee which you don't actually need to do at all?
Like Tracy, I'm no longer an AE but used net enterprises and never had a problem, perhaps subscription is now automatic, it didn't used to be - try to log in and check the details ;-)
Hi, I am an AE and use net entreprises. fr to declare my earnings and pay my contributions on line. BUT, I was directed to use this site from the official auto entrepreneur portal and registered etc for free - no problem. I agree with Tracy - treat with caution - log onto the auto entrepreneur site / net entreprises and see what comes up. Normally you should use your AE registration number to register and then you create your own password. Good luck.
Sounds strange to me - can you scan in the letter? ~Cover any appropriate bits that you don't want us to see. You can subscribe to net entreprises to make the declarations, maybe you should log into Net-Entreprises to see if you are there?