It's nice to be French

get Jasmine's point completely - I can't convince my kids that they are half English - "No Daddy, we've got English cousins and you're English but we, like Mummy, are French" (and that said in French of course, not English, give me time, I'm still working on that one!)

Brain, my kids still hate it if I speak to them in Italian, my daughter ends up crying! I guess it's just not the right age and as they'll be starting Occitan (full immersion) in September (provided all our plans come off which still isn't certain!), I don't want to push things linguistically for the moment!

With you there. My children are not French but half Swiss and... OK. Mother's first language is Italian, but with over half her life in Romande French speaking Switzerland she is happier speaking French than English but almost prefers French to Italian. She speaks French with one daughter and English with the other. Whereas I speak to the two in reverse. What on earth are my children? It might be nice to be French, but then they are dual nationals of two other countries... I think I get Jasmine's point (somehow).