It's official - Taxe Foncière reductions/rebates

A few weeks ago I posted about my attempts to get a TF refund and have my house re-evaluated

On the thread we all got a bit confused

I believed TF was calculated on both size and condition

Others believed it was based on size and condition was irrelevant

Well I finally got my result

TF is based on size and condition

I have had 50% of 2013 and 2014 refunded and will pay 50% less from 2015 onwards!

In the end I got the Mairie to take photos/verify my demand and after having battled this alone since 2010...within two weeks it was sorted

So if any of you are paying full whack for rooms etc that are not liveable you may be eligible for a refund

Uninhabitable areas are taxed but at a tiny percentage

In my case my ground floor has elec, is used for storage and I can use one room as a provisional kitchen, but has been re-classifed as a 'cave'

Worth a try non?

It couldn't be clearer than this:

Coincidentally, I read in our local paper that the cadastrale people were reviewing properties in our commune.

Yesterday morning, one of said people turned up. The car shelter that we had built a few years ago is officially a 'garage'. (We were told this the planning office because it wasn't completely open, having one full wall at the back and 2 sides of around 1m height). The cadastrale lady has reclassified it, saying it's open.

I wondered then if we might see a reduction of our TF, and a credit for previous years. I must have a look at the last bill (the garage is itemised) to see what rate it attracts and see if it'll now attract a different rate.

Ah I took photos into local impots and they called my Mairie - to say that an attestation would help!

Do keep me posted!

Strangely enough my 'habitable' parts took up more space than was noted on their system - I sat there thinking 'oh b****r have I made a bad move,'

But the huge reduction on the uninhabitable areas still meant that I got a refund

That said, yes, only go down this route if you are sure that you are being over charged!

Did exactly this and they looked at me like I was barking mad!!! Told me to go see the Impots place directly...will keep you posted!!! :)

Good news, Sarah, and an object lesson in "hanging in there".

also be prepared for them to escalate your TF based on your evidence .



Long story cut (very) short

Go to Mairie and speak with whoever the admin person is - each mairie has civil servants (nothing to do with the elected body) who deal with 'commune' admin

Tell them you'd like to have your TF re-evaluated and do they have someone 'assermenté' (sworn) who can take photos and provide an attestion to say the photos are of your property.

Make an appointment at the tax office with whoever deals with town plans(cadastre) - note that rural/satellite offices will send you to the main town that decides what we all pay

Take along plans (can be hand drawn), they must show all rooms, good and bad including lofts, exterior, garages etc. Each needs to be measured and you can note on each room if it's habitable or not

Also take as many photos as possible, the Mairie's attestation and be prepared to fill out the 2010 declaration form (which for info is gradually being sent out to all home owners)

Please don't rely on phonecalls, general pleading at reception nor the post - face to face works better if you want to explain your case

Also bear in mind that they may only refund a year or two - I tried to get them to go back to 2009, but no luck

Bonne chance and if anyone needs any more info, please don't hesitate!

taxe d'habitation if the place is furnished - if it isn't you need to get an attestation to that effect (ask at your mairie) and you'll be exempt if it's empty on the 1st of january for that year ;-)

we have been paying tax foncière for almost three years now for the vacant in property of my late father in law and tax d'habitation I can see the point of the foncière but why should we pay tax d'habitation when no one is living in it doesn't seem right

Hi Sarah - thanks for the info which is timely for us. We bought a place that needs major rennovation and I nearly died when I saw the €1500 TF bill that it attracts. Who did you contact in the first instance? The Mairie or the Impots people?



also happy for you Sarah - good work!

x t

Sarah, I am desperately interested in this! I get the bit above. What was your 1st port of call? Written request to the Tax Office I guess? e-mail if you can, or if needed.

Kind regards,

Well done. It proves that it is worth persevering

Well done, that's a great result and useful information for people here. :)


content pour toi, Sarah ;-)