I have a lime tree that needs lopping down to the main forks. Any offers to do the job ? 82110 Lauzerte.
Hi could do it with pleasure , but by the time I cost in traveling from dept64 , I am sure you could find someone closer, making it cheaper .if you can’t , then call me on
No only plums and cherries.
Although in the autumn before the leaves are gone is good if the tree is to be Bordeauxed. If it has had plums full of maggots, prune back hard before the prunes ripen and burn the lot. It should recover when new shoots grow, which is fast and furious so watch out.
I take it that apples to other fruit trees?
Try to avoid pruning the plum trees until the summer. Pruning now when the tree isn't in leaf increases the risk of introducing the fungal disease silver leaf.
We also have a lime tree and two very large plum trees which need pruning in our courtyard. Anyone out there interested. 79100, near Thouars, Deux Sevres.
Sorry too far away mate otherwise would have done it