Land price

Thanks for the replies. I hadn't considered the potential for firewood but it makes sense. With the idea you've given on what the land might be worth, Brian, I guess any offer we make will now be to include the land. We will just need a good woodman if there isn't one tending it already.

If a woodman already cuts the area he will keep the trees pruned and scrub, blackberry and the rest cleared as is done here. But yep, it never goes out of fashion.

Not a clue as to current prices of woodland. Do bear in mind that it is not just a case of chopping trees down and selling on. Trees intended to be harvested should be kept pruned and this costs money. If I was you and the cost is okay I would buy it because as stated it never goes out of fashion.

I am in the same department. The thing about woodland is that depending where it is, it has to remain woodland in many cases. Every few years it can be cut down but must be replanted. Knowing most of the wood men hereabouts, living in a forest area and as buyers each summer, I can only say that it is land with a potential return. A tree feller will buy up a large bit of woodland, cut it down and sell it to punters like us. It depends where your land is, but 15000 sq m of trees is a sizeable chunk of money every few years. As Vic says, you have a good supply of your own fuel too. The top price for woodland is €2000 a hectare but can be €1400 at the bottom of the Dordogne scale, depending where it is.

If it's a wood & the price is OK, buy it. They aint making no more land these days & a wood that can be used for fuel will never lose it's value. Don't know about prices in your area.