List your failures here.....!

Well... In 2013 I failed in just about everything I tried (work, love, parenting, housekeeping, finances, health...). And I'm not expecting 2014 to be any better, to be honest...

Blurry 'eck, shall I do it alphabetically? One page per letter minimum :-(

Still probably not enough. Why don't you need it, perfect, or like the rest of us, (well me at least) just can't be arsed/too embarrassed? ;-)

You can use my space, Vic. I won't be needing it! :-)

Sorry, not enough space here:-)

Let’s have a new one of these for 2016 @cat!

Each year I resolve that this year will be the one in which I become a glamorous, self assured woman of impeccable grooming who can throw together a three course meal from a handful of ingredients at a moment’s notice. And each year I find myself, again, looking like I’ve dressed in the dark with fright-wig hair and settling for fried egg and baked beans for supper. But I’m still here, happy and healthy and life is good …