Lockdown extended

The French PM said in a speech that the government had decided to extend the country’s lockdown until April 15.

“After these first 10 days of confinement, it is clear that we are just at the beginning of this epidemic wave. It has submerged eastern France and now it is arriving in the Paris region and northern France,” said Philippe.

For this reason, he said, the confinement period that began on March 17 would be extended from Tuesday next week, and added that the same rules would apply. The extension also applies to widespread business closures.

Philippe said that this period would only be extended again if the health situation required it.

Source:- France 24

Sensible decision.


I’m starting to think that Johnson, Hancock and other cabinet members actually believe that they are not susceptible to Covid 19 infection, it’s a disease that only affects the common man and woman, and their assumed privilege and inherent superiority renders them immune.

If they ever gave it serious thought, that is. I think they see politics not as public service, but as a protected career for which they are uniquely qualified. It is a class issue, and ‘born to rule’ and schooled for high office are philosophies bred in them, but seldom expressed.

Jacob Rees-Mogg let the cat out of the bag over the Grenfell blunder, and was cut out of the circle of magisterial influence, but it’s “in their DNA” and they will always act in role, they know no other existential position in the ‘natural order’ .

This crisis is beginning to unveil their ugly face. But will anyone notice?


Johnson and Hancock both have it.

Plus Chris Witty the chief Medical Officer.
One can only think that they has pre-briefing drinks and were not social distancing as they appeared on tv.

I wonder if anyone could help. We run a small company looking after boats and houses whilst respective owners are away. Are we/am I allowed to continue with the fortnightly checks in light of the enhanced/extended lockdown? Our furthest client is 30km from us.

The short answer is yes Martin, as a registered business you are currently allowed to travel from home to work provided you follow the government health guidelines (see link below and go to travail)

There is a big ‘however’ though, if you get stopped by a gendarme and he or she interprets things differently then you could get told to go home or fined.

Best thing to do is to look up the Prefecture web page of your departure zone and your projected arrival zone as the severity of the interpretations has been left up to the Prefet and the local police force / gendarmerie.

Some places expect you to have separate attestations for each destination that you are going to.
“Les lieux d’exercice de la profession” - is that where you usually work, or is that the place of the residence / boat you are checking out ?

Can the intervention be deferred ? If it arguably can, then you might well run into trouble, even with an attestation. Again, some gendarmes might see this one way, and others in another region in a different way.

EDIT : dont forget that you are supposed to add the time of departure now as well to the attestation.

Ideally, a business signed off authorisation to be on the move for professional reasons that are not deferable would still seem the best option.

Deferred until when though as the restrictions have now been extended to the 15th of April? As for the business authorisation I would guess Martin is a sole trader as it were so would this apply?

Can you justify these journeys as essential and not deferable? What serious consequences would there be if you didn’t go? If it’s just a case of trying to carry on business as usual, then no. That’s the whole point of a lockdown.


Therein lies the ambiguity, open to interpretation by the forces of law and order.

As I understand it boat owners are not allowed to travel to check on or maintain their boats and I’d be surprised if second home owners would be allowed to travel to check on or maintain those either. I’d also be surprised if checking boats or houses would be considered essential during the lockdown. That is after all to stop all except vital journeys.
I’d be interested to know whether they are or not.

Exactly Alex, we’re in the same boat (pardon the pun) as Martin in that part of our business is checking property as well as general gardening and maintenance. The government has been very vague and contradictory regarding working during the lockdown and several industry organisations have tried to get clarification from the government without success, it would be helpful if there was either a clear ‘you can only do essential work’ or ‘you can work if there is no public contact’ instruction.

Seems clear to me. I’ve never seen any mention of public contact being a criterion for any of the acceptable purposes. All the mentions I have seen relating to work concern the essential nature of the work. Although I realise it’s not what people want to hear.

  • Déplacements entre le domicile et le lieu d’exercice de l’activité professionnelle, lorsqu’ils sont indispensables à l’exercice d’activités ne pouvant être organisées sous forme de télétravail ou déplacements professionnels ne pouvant être différés.
  • Déplacements pour effectuer des achats de fournitures nécessaires à l’activité professionnelle et des achats de première nécessité dans des établissements dont les activités demeurent autorisées (liste sur gouvernement.fr).

It doesn’t say essential work Anna only essential travel and that’s the issue for many businesses.

Found these guidelines from Brussels, haven’t read it in detail but looks like it is probably ok.

Brussels? That’s a city in Belgium so what would they have to do with regulations in France? It’s not an EU publication.

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The second part of the text which refers to “trips which can’t be postponed” is probably the most relevant part. And that applies to most businesses tbh. It may be inconvenient, your clients might be unhappy and you might lose some money, but there’s almost nothing that can’t wait.

People need to stop being selfish and look at the bigger picture. Staying put will save lives.

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Well spotted Dan :smiley:
Some days I put my brain in straight, some days I don’t :rofl::rofl:

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Not clear what more France does other than shut down completely, new cases are still rising exponentially - though the “doubling time” seems to be 5 days which is probably slower than the UK.

Here is the “worldometer” graph with a 5.25 day doubling curve superimposed