Looking for a builder Near Duras

Have a renovation project, Don't we all.

Looking for a builder for a renovation project. Usual stuff

Swimming pool, drive way, bathrooms, plumbing and electrical work.

Recommendations please.

Much appreciated John

Thanks Mel I will be in touch

Kind regards


Hi John,

Try James R Anderson, on 0780560292 or email jamesanderson740@msn.com. He is based very close to Duras.

His company (fully French registered and insured) did some work for us and we were very satisfied.

There is a particular swimming pool "contractor" whom I will not name in this reply that I can heartily NOT recommend. If you want further information you can telephone me on 05 57 46 03 15 or email me at mel.anthony@wanadoo.fr with your own telephone number.

Bonne Chance,

Mel Anthony

P.S. Being a lawyer, I do add the usual disclaimer that I will not accept responsibility for any outcome.

By the way everyone who is over that way............

Great music at a place called the Garage in Eymet.

Tom Ibarra will be playing....

Google him.

No.....I am not managing him!

Thanks Mike I will get in touch

Thanks david I will search Roland and get in touch withh him

Would love to know more thanks barbara

Hi John

PM me for information. We have used quite a few local people close to Duras (we are at St Ferme). I don't think I can post them on the forum.


You don't want a builder John . You need several builders to get at least three devis for the work you want doing. Similarly electricians,plumbers, swimming pool installers (for which you will certainly need planning permission).Barbara's suggestion of using an architect is a good one . A lot of Brits seem to be wary of using an architect but he or she will save you money in the end. Alternatively but not as good is to use a MaƮtre d'oeuvre en Batiment. He's not an architect but will organize the works for you. Roland Verduger in La Roquille, which is just up the road from Duras , has been used by a friend and is quite good although in my opinion little cheaper than an architect.

I am about 30 mins from you and used an Architect who has based in Casilon La Bataille.

Get in touch if you want to know more.