Looking to connect with people in Clinical trials/ Pharma/ Cancer Research

Hi everyone,

I would like to find and connect with people working in fields such as clinical trials, cancer research or pharmaceuticals.
I will be completing my PhD in Cancer Sciences this year and I have a big dream of moving to France after my studies. Currently my french is A1, so I will be looking for english speaking jobs to start with or remote working. I am sure it will be a big task so I would greatly appreciate any insights.

My Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-lapienyte-8060248b/

Kind regards,
Laura Lapienyte

You might try looking up French based CRMOs to see if they are located anywhere where you might want to live. I’m not directly in touch with these organisations any more so can’t give you any precise names, but the main urban sprawls are often where they are based, e.g. Paris suburbs , Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux, etc.

Hi Laura,

Most of the cancer research groups will take in English speaking postdocs, and some cancer research biotechs work in English. I have a few contacts, as I am working in biopharma. Send me a direct message and I can see if I can help.