I enjoy discussions here . But I just cannot get my head around navigation of this site. Also I don’t understand that when I reply to comment it seems to ‘go’ somewhere where my reply is not relevant…
I use many forums, mainly classic car ones. I have (built) three of my own websites one which is my ‘lifeline earner’ here in France… But still I don’t get SFN? Not being rude, it clearly is understood … But when I reply directly to a comment on a subject why does my reply go like three threads down under another members comment? Lost.com… Sorry I just don’t get it?
How do I post this… I guess 'add discussion? Why not ‘post’ ? Not being awkward, just prefer things clear…
Check the previous page, the comment she refers to is there.
^^^^ that wwas a reply directly under and too Kathleen’s one… Didn’t go under hers did it?
Oh eck … Thought I’d got it…but Kathleen’s posts has got nothing above it… Surelyvitshould be under what she replie too? Sorry…
I do hope you do James. I hate them and have given up reading them, no matter how interesting the subject seems to be.
Flu? Measles? Perhaps we should have you put in isolation ;-)
By jove! I'm getting it.....aren't I?
I replied on the reply button on my 'hopeful' post.....
Oooh I got that one right, get in!
Your're probably right Deborah, so it is probably just me getting confuzzed.... I did say that I can be a bit thick sometimes.......
Soz James, had 14 or emails from SFN this morning which I deleted earlier. Just got back in from 'morning walkies' to find your request......
Please can you post the link contained within the notification email here so that I can determine if there is an error?
It's very French......!!!!!!!
Exactly my dinner party point.
Aha, I got an email to say about Brian’s ‘maze’ post and the link took me straight to it this time, woohoo! There’s hope for me yet… Hits ‘add reply’ in hope that…
I suppose the many visits I paid to Hampton Court Maze have paid off in my case then!
… And I’m flipping sure that^^^ reply was under a post by James? so why did it go ^^^ there?