Lovely tax office - again!

I know it is said frequently on here, but it often amazes me how good the tax office is when customer service in France is generally so rubbish.

I have decided to start the process for changing driving licence, so went to copy a tax return for proof of residence. However I can’t ever have looked beyond the figure to pay, because I realise it is in the name of a non-existant person. And certainly not the name on my driving licence! For some inexplicable reason, they have shortened my christian name and added my husband’s surname. And have been doing so for the last 6 years without us noticing.

Ho hum. Off to tax office to discuss. 10 minutes later it’s all been changed, and because they can’t reissue past Avis d’impôts she printed out a recapulative of last 5 years which is in my proper name, stamped and signed it. Voilà, all done!

I don’t have any expectations that getting the new licence will be as speedy…


Hear, hear