Making connections easier in Languedoc - is your SFN profile up to date?

Whether you use Twitter, Skype, Facebook - or maybe run a blog or a website, it’s now possible to list more of your business or contact info on SFN using the “Manage my Page” section.

You can (if you wish) list your business info, website/blog, Facebook page, Skype name and Twitter username.

If you run a business then don’t forget to add it to the Business Owners group or request a link here to drive more visits to your website.

If you use Twitter and want to stay in touch with ‘Languedoc tweets’ from members of the Lang-Rouss group - you can follow this list of Twitterers listed on SFN. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the list …

You’ll find me on Facebook here and my Skype ID is LanguedocInfo