Marriage 'Regime' What is that all about?

Noticed that an elderly couple had changed their 'Regime' in the local paper and was discussing why you would want a different marriage, are there different types of marriage in France? and if so what are they? and so as a Brit, what regime are we considered to be?

Knowing the French its all to do with minimising tax!

I expect so. Probably a site like or whatever it is called .

They are self explanatory really -

communauté universelle = you share everything (I think donations and inheritances where the beneficiary is named don't come into this)

communauté réduite aux acquets = you share what you got since marriage (again I think donations and inheritances where the beneficiary is named don't come into this)

and séparation de biens = everything separate

Ah ha! I was right, it is to do with Tax! Soooo what is the difference between the different marriage contracts or where can I find a link to somewhere like 'Vos Droits' where its explained?

Several types of régime here acc to your marriage contract which you can change later on - séparation de biens, communauté universelle, communauté réduite aux acquets and probably others.

In GB people are taxed separately and don't usually have a marriage contract so here they are deemed to be under séparation de biens. As people's situations change they can change their contract by mutual consent, very often for inheritance tax purposes. It is cheaper than getting a house, for example, put into one name only or into two names if it was in one before.

"Knowing the French its all to do with minimising tax!" ? Isn't that what everybody tries to do?