Moving to France from Holland

Are there any Dutch members out there.

A dutch acquantance of mine has moved permanently and fiscally to France. However she says that she and her husband still have to pay an annual fee to the Dutch health service - she says it is some sort of arrangement between the Netherlands and France as agreed by the EU - think she said something like €300 + per year. Is she confused or am I.

I didn't mean to correct, Celeste I was just afraid I was missing out on something.

I thought there were no social charges (i.e. PRSI and health levy) on pensions paid in Ireland Celeste?

I have 3 private pensions & state pension from GB. I pay nothing in GB on all the pensions, everything due is paid here. I think it is different for "civil service" type pensions. GB have a dual taxation treaty with France but don't ask me to explain it as by the time I got my head around it my brain was mush!!

She's not confused. My parents are Dutch pensioners as well and they have to pay as well (and to be honest they've found that it is cheaper to pay the Dutch rates than the French ones since the French are a % of your income [i.e. your pension], I believe it's 8%, whereas the Dutch calculate it differently).

Also, and this we learned the hard way, if they were civil servants they have to be careful about taxes and health care. If not then no problem :D

