New Ecotax on vehicles

New Ecotax on vehicles being introduced from 1st Jan 2015 for vehicles with engines greater than 1400cc.

What are the objectives?

  • To reduce the environmental impacts of road transport.

  • To rationalise road transport on medium and short distances.

  • To generate resources to fund investment in electric vehicles and create electric top up stations on autoroutes.

Who is liable?

The eco-tax will apply to all French and foreign vehicles with engines over 1400cc which use the 15,000km taxable road network defined by the Government.

When will it come into effect?

The launch date is 1st January 2015.

How will this tax be collected?

Ecomouv’ is the company appointed by the French Government to collect the eco-tax, through the Registered Electronic Toll System Companies that operate on French motorways.

In addition to the usual road tolls payable on the French Motorway network an additional Ecotax will be levied.

What is the cost?

Category 1: Vehicles from 1400cc to 2000cc 8.8€ct/km

Category 2: Vehicles from 2000cc to 3000cc 11.1€ct/km

Category 3: Vehicles from above 3000cc 15.4€ct/km

These are only indicative costs.
Definitive prices will be subject to change and also take into account the European emission standard of the vehicle as an additional parameter.

Work out the cost on the journey in an average vehicle from Calais to Loire, knew it was a joke but just wanted to add some Co2 less fuel to the thread.


Well blow me, this is a clever one! Much setting up involved, too. The Eurotunnel site has this info but also has a page on a similar scheme for the UK which starts in April 2014 -

This will learn me, eh (& I'm usually so careful).


If it is all an April Fool, its a good one! Fooled these people too.;jsessionid=?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000027436682&dateTexte=&oldAction=rechJO&categorieLien=id

Like I said, Donna, the tax is real but the categories are a spoof.

These are the actual categories taken from Eurotunnel's website:-

Category 1:
2 axles up to 12 tons

8,8 €ct/km

Category 2:
2 axles of 12 tons
and over 3 axles

11,1 €ct/km

Category 3:
4 axles or more

15,4 €ct/km

Ha! Ha! It's April Fool's Day :)

If its hgv "s they must be small ones with engines that small, lol

Donna, this is a different ecotax. You are talking about the co2 tax, paid when registering a vehicle -" l’écotaxe ou malus écologique se substitue à la taxe CO2 depuis le 1er janvier 2008 et incite à l’achat de véhicules moins polluants."

The one we are talking about today is a tax payable by HGVs depending on distance covered on certain roads. Call it an ecotoll, really!

this tax came in on 01/01/14, no weight limits, it goes off emissions, cost me 960euros when we registered a 2010 transit mini bus (swb) on top of reg fee, applies to vehicles from 2008, so cost for a new transit would be 8000euros on top of purchase price, so buy a older more pollulting vehicle and save money. also its not just on commercials that is a different ecotax the one that is causing the protests and involves the overhead gantries.

Check the date, guys!

Although there is going to be a new ecotax it only applies to commercial vehicles over 3.5 tonnes & fitted with a special device.

The tax is genuine but the categories are a spoof! Just try pulling a 12 ton load with your Peugeot 206!

It was supposed to come in in October 2013 but it keeps being put back. Yes, lots of protests.

That should further compound France's problems with being uncompetitive in the world market as the supply of goods will increase in price. Electric HGV's something to look out for.

So a 500km journey from Calais to Loire will cost how much extra?

I understand from my wife, who reads the french press online every day, that they're also planning to use the ecotax revenu for public transport initiatives, which can't be a bad thing ?

Haven't the "bonnets rouges" in Brittany already been protesting against the ecotax?

Good one!

You should be part of Hollande's government... if it wasn't for April 1st, I would even believe that "our" president is capable of doing such a thing... :-)

Applies to vehicles carrying “poissons” !

Arrêté du 14 mai 2013 relatif au taux kilométrique et aux modulations qui lui sont appliquées de la taxe nationale sur les véhicules de transport de marchandises

How will they know what engine size a foreign plated car is ??

That’s going to go down well isn’t it, the tolls are expensive enough as it is, I can picture the protests already.