Hello everyone! I have been lurking around here for a while and now my head has grown really sufficiently big and I must ask some questions!! If you have come across similar experience please help!
(super short self- intro: I'm from Hong Kong :) living in Marseille for 2 years now. I am on a Carte compétences et talents.)
I have registered online for my AE-ship end of August and have started my activities (Environmental counsultant) in September. I have set up my net-entreprise account. I have opened a bank account for my work. I have got my INSEE inscription, my Siren/SIret but I have subsequently received lots of documents asking me to confirm adhésion to this and that scheme...I am a bit puzzled!
To start with, I have received "Choice of institution" forms from 2 Rétrait Complementaire companies who claim to have to deal with my protection sociale and that it is obligatory that I make a choice, even if I am an AE and do not have employees. There is a clause "Je soussigné _____ déclare adhérer a XYZ Retraite ARRCO/ AGIRC, et m'engage à respecter les dispositions actuelles et futures des accords collectifs précites" which bugs me. Why do I have to consent to adhering to this scheme even for future changes to my statut/ AEship or employement??
Do you know whether I MUST reply to at least one of these companies? I really do not intend to hire anyone here and I have not paid taxes nor had any social security protection since my arrival in France (long story in short, I continued working freelance for Hong Kong clients and hence been paying taxes in HK. But they are very kind clients who agree to pay me in Euro so I figure I should start paying French taxes and get a carte vitale here) I don't have any professional, social régime affiliation.
2ndly, I have also received a letter from Direction Générale des finances publiques with a 'Memento Fiscal', where under my 'Obligations Fiscales' my Régime d'imposition is "MICROE" - is this correct? SHouldn't it be AE? for TVA, it is noted "RFB - Franchise en base"-- shouldn't this be exempted?
Have they made a mistake or soemthing?
Meanwhile, I have not received any letters from the RSI/URSSAF about my cotisisations. Does it mean I have to declare my impots with www.impots.gouv.fr (once I get a taxpayer number of sthing like that ?) but my securité sociale with net-entreprise?? I have set up a antotelechargement de charges with my account for the net-entreprise account...
now I am confused about what I am paying who and to whom I declare what.... can anyone please enlighten me?
Thanks heaps!!