No tea and sympathy for Women Alone in France

This link was forwarded to me via a French friend entitled "Pauvres petites anglaises" - I don't know if other SFN members are already aware of the story, but here is a French take on the recent story released in the Daily Mail:

There are dozens of things I wish I had known before embarking on my adventures in France - but we can have ups and downs in any country. I didn't expect a new life abroad to be without its challenges and I've certainly had a few interesting and unpleasant surprises.

If anyone knows of other forums or groups that might be helpful or of interest for 'Women (Alone or not Alone!) in France' please post a link.

Here are some that I know-of in this area & further afield but it would be great to hear of any more: - Womens International Club (Languedoc-Roussillon) - Brits Nimes Association - Lost in France forum - Women Alone living in France - The Languedoc Page Expat forum - Anglophone Direct Pyrenees-Orientales forum - AngloInfo Languedoc-Roussillon

Thank you !