Notaires in Chef Boutonne, Deux Sevres

Does anyone have an English speaking Notaires they can recommend in Chef Boutonne or Deux Sevres please.

The South west covers a large area - could you specify dept no. or town please?

Deux Sevres, Chef Boutonne.

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I hate to be that person, but…South West Europe? South West France? SouthWest Toulouse? South West Rangueil? South West 31? South West Occitanie?

This place is an incredible resource but we may needs a touch more information!

edit: Ah, you and @_Brian beat me to it


I’m sorry Rick, that’s too far away for my local notaire to be of any use…

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Thanks for being that person. Post changed.


For one fleeting moment, that made you look really thick, Brian. :astonished:

Ah! The power of the Edit button. :laughing:

Sorry can’t be of help, Rick, not my neck of the woods. :frowning_face:

This does raise a serious point though, I know some places that won’t let you edit after answers have appeared, or at least there is a time limit.
On here it seems to be endlessly available, only yesterday referring to an earlier post of mine after some weeks, I inserted a missing apostrophe. :innocent: :rofl:

Just in case the grammar police come after you🤣

Absolutely, it was a terrifying moment when I realised. :astonished:
Now, I’m only saying this because no-one else is listening but, I had to go back again after adding the missing one, to remove an errant single quote that I had overlooked. :frowning_face:

And not for the first time :wink:

Me Prestat. Superb.

Maitre Prestat. Superb.

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Where are they based and I will look them up. Thank you

Maître Fillon in Lezay used to be good, don’t know if he’s still operating.

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Actually in the centre of Chef Boutonne. Place Cail, I think. Can’t fault them.

@Rickspen just so you might be more clear… notaires aren’t like English solicitors when it comes to property transactions.
The primary function of the notaire is the collection of taxes due on property transactions and correct recording so (s)he acts for the State in principle so there is no conflict of interest in the notaire acting for the seller, acting for you too. You are welcome of course to have your own (and the same Govt fee base is shared between the two notaires) but in general, it is not necessarily required.
What some people do is to find an interpreter to take with them to the various signings and to look over any papers on their behalf and Agents will often provide such a person for a UK client.
So, really no need to stress about finding your own notaire; just go with the flow, as it were. It’s perfectly acceptable practice in France.


Got them and email sent. Thank you