NS&I Registration

As a premium bond holder, I received a letter from NS&I to ask me (as an overseas customer) to check that I “can still hold the UK bank… account that we have on record for you”. If they do have an account on record, it will need updating… but I will be surprised if they do. The last time I won anything, they sent me a cheque (but that was over 20 years ago).
Overseas customers can not register online for an online account, though you can send in a postal application… But in that case, I may as well just send “change of nominated bank account” form.
Are there other aspects to consider as a premium bond holder? I assume that I will have to pay French tax on (any) winnings at the marginal rate

I’m sure @graham knows where a Premium Bond Win needs to be entered on the French annual Declaration of Worldwide Income…

Yes, it goes in box 2TR on the form 2042

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I am sure that it is in his guide, but I am a long way from having any winnings.
I knew that any unclaimed winnings would be held, and as I have been expecting to move back to the UK for the last 2 years, I thought best to wait until then, before claiming my million! But given that they do know my French address, I thought I would use the online checker (that I have just discovered), and sure enough I have not won anything - so no tax to pay! Ouf!!

but would still be declarable in France…

I meant unclaimed because they were unknown (rather than denied).

I have studied the change of a linked account form. I was going to ask (but now won’t) if you ticked the box for automatic reinvestment of prizes, if that avoided the need to declare. But from your reply, I think the answer is of course you do. It is like reinvested interested.
In the same way that you have to declare the untouched notional “income” on an ISA (which I still find particularly cruel in years that the fund value goes down).