On our sick beds

So last week I was poorly, hubby had to take 2 and a half days off work to look after me (well the 3 girls actually)

It all started when he came back on Wednesday lunch after responding to my SOS - help with the kids or they're all going to the Emergency nursery. I just wanted to go to bed and for the first time since I've had the 3 of them I wanted to be completely alone. Yes I was properly ill. The comment 'oh I forgot you don't cope so well with being ill' was probably unwise and I think he realised his error later, though as I was really actually feeling so rubbish I couldn't even muster a response. I just took myself to my sick bed & let him get on with it. A good dose of 3 kids sickening for something would do him good and sure enough after 3 hours - the door opened to the bedroom and a little voice offered a latte? cup of tea? toast? Normally I would jump on the offer of a latte (I love my coffee but it is a bit of a hassle to do the espresso then stand there and steam the milk to 55 degrees with 9m old grabbing your knees and trying to swing open the oven door) and he usually groans if this is requested mid-week..so he was obviously feeling guilty.

But No - alas I felt awful and dug deeper under the duvet. Headache, stomach ache, back ache feeling sick, pains down arms, heavy arms and legs - you name it - I felt it. Then when I got chest pains (like someone kneeling on my chest) I called the Dr. It's probably a virus - come into the surgery tomorrow.

Thursday I went to see the Dr who said my symptoms was concerned about a complication to another treatment I'd had and referred me for ultrasound & xray at the hospital, so off we traipsed with 3 kids to The Royal London. On arrival the receptionist in the department decided the Dr had asked for too many tests and told me I could return tomorrow for an abdomen ultrasound after fasting from 11.

Next day I once again travelled on tube & train to The Royal London where the ultrasound lady queried why I had drank so much water (because the lady on reception told me to drink 2 pints an hour before the scan) then she queried whether I had a gall bladder or not (I was tempted to say 'say what you see' but I resisted and answered no I don't) finally she asked why I was having only 1 test today when the form said 3 (because your receptionist said so!). It was non-conclusive.

I came out feeling absolutely exhausted and to be honest annoyed. I decided to get the other ultrasound done with the Dr I'd seen for my pregnancy with Maisy. That reassured me that everything was ok and the issues I had were not side effects from another treatment but it should have been done by the original ultrasound yesterday to put mine & the GPs mind at rest. So instead of recovering in the warm we were traipsing all across London for 3 days trying to get the tests done to see what was up with me.

Thankfully this week the pains have almost gone and apart from feeling weak with headaches I feel much better, which does point to a virus - albeit a weird one. I had a load of blood tests yesterday and my GP was excellent though getting bloods done a week after the illness as this was the earliest the GPs could do, I think the French system of using a Laboratoire for bloods works better & would unburden the GP surgery.

Anyway - today I am feeling better but the girls now have come down with very bad colds nd I've just had a text from Mr Fitz - apparently he feels awful...question is girls...do I say 'oh I forgot you don't cope so well with being ill?'