Perfect Yorkshire puddings every time

This recipe works everytime

Watch all Rosies video's here at Rosies Kitchen

Don't let a Yorkshire person hear say duck fat lol

Has to be a fairly hot oven and the fat in the batter pan has to be smoky hot.

Duck fat...perhaps.

We have tried 45 and 55 from 3 different supermarkets they used to be perfect but the last couple of years each time they turn out flat like a cake they taste like yorki puds but dont look like them so whats gone wrong we are both puzzled our bread is ok and Kath my wife is renowned for her cakes Yorkshire puddings are a flop

I used type 45 flour, bought at Lidl in La Gacilly

As in the size of cup I was using,

I believe Rosie's films are made at her home in Brittany. If you are having trouble finding decent flour, try a bio coop if you have one near you, they usually have a good range.

Try this with any strong bread flour John, they will be perfect!

I take it this film was made in the uk flour in France is a different ball game we have made perfect yorki puds using UK flour but French flour works differently we have tried a dozen different types and makes all come out rather flat even using 3 different ovens

I put three eggs in a container, make a note of the level, empty them in to another container then measure flour and then milk both up to the same level as the eggs were. No measuring required, that's enough for about 8 yorkies.

looks good but I don't understand

how much flour and milk she uses as she talks about cups which is what size cup.