Permission from the Prefecture?

Hi all

I saw this on the AutoEntrepreneur sitehere

Je suis étranger, suis-je soumis à des conditions spéciales pour être auto-entrepreneur ?

Non, les conditions sont identiques à celles des personnes de nationalité française.

Toutefois, nous vous invitons à prendre contact auprès des services de la Préfecture, afin de savoir si vous pouvez exercer une activité indépendante en France.

Does this mean that we should all go and talk to the Prefecture before we start, or risk someone coming along later and shutting us down?

I'm going to be providing simple business-to-business services, such as translation of contracts and assistance in entering the UK market.



No Emily, not at all, it's typical "cover my arse" stuff just in case you want to be an indépendante doing something you're not allowed to do - if insee registers you as an AE when you fill in the online application forms then it's because you can do it and the line of service you're talking about falls into the AE scheme no problem at all ;-)