Politically correct or somewhat over the top..?

That’s why I can only see having all cubicles as the answer, or ladies carrying shewee’s

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Still goes on Teresa.
I don’t like it, especially when a young girl has to walk past to get to the cubicle !

A little anecdote here… On a particular services on the A20 when the toilets are being cleaned then everyone has to use the other toilets. Plastic barrier signs are put up directing 'client’s ’ to use the other toilets. Men’s being cleaned they have to go into the ladies and vice versa.
The ladies were being cleaned so all the ladies had to go the Men’s room, rushing for cover in the cubicles.
Well with mum being in a wheelchair we can only use the ‘handicap toilet’, one in each restroom.
It was the toilet at the end of the cubicals and we had to pass all the open urinals along the wall.
Well mum takes quite a bit of time to be ‘positioned’ correctly. By the time we came out there were no ladies in sight, just men giving us queer looks, when we got outside we understood why…the barriers had been taken down and the ladies was now functional! :blush::blush:


My husband knows now that I will send him in to the toilets first ‘to check them out.’
Forewarned etc. :joy:
Years ago a friend of mine went out for a meal with her husband to celebrate their anniversary. She got very drunk and needed to use the toilet. She looked at the symbols on the respective doors and then walked into the men’s because she was wearing trousers!


Ah, then we get into another area of diversity. Just because you are given a sex at birth does not mean you have to identify as such in this 21st century.


Postmodernist political correctness, once the exclusive domain of American liberal loons, seems to have crossed the pond. In the US adjustments to accommodate this derangement are coming forth.


Accompanied by Mrs W on the French Horn ?