Private Academic Tutoring / home-work, one-on-one, on-site and on-line

Private Academic Tutoring school-aged and adults, on-site and on-line.

I suggest that you join the ‘Tutors-Live USERS’ group, in Facebook (group that I co-administrate).

There you could meet TUTORS OF ALL ASIGNMENTS …

Plus: Some requesting students;

Plus: Get DIRECTORIES OF TUTORS websites url;

Plus: Read some emerging information on bridging platforms and E-TOOLS (when it will come), incl. so called INTERACTIVE WHITE BOARDS allowing tho parties to ork simulteneously on a common document.

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      Plus… We (a small team of the most courageous e-tutors) would much appreciate it if you could help at these ‘testings’, and report in a special file, in the group. File to be created shortly.

      It takes to be TWO persons, at least, to make every each of these tests!

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      I’m a tutor & e-tutor of MATH & FRENCH - Skype scolaire92 - +33 6 1943 4965 .