Private Data Issues

There is a lot to be aware of when it is coming to know where your private data are ending up. I was reading about it this morning and concerns those of you traveling to Russia, even flying over Russian airspace:

and that's how you data are ending up in a dark matter of the cyberspace:

Well we got used to it when the EU Commission is once again upset. Now because Moscow calls on all data of passengers traveling from or transiting through the Russian Federation. The large-scale transfer of personal data to the U.S., we're used but now the Russian Ministry of Transport added this decree for all airlines: "Airlines must transmit all data generated at the time of booking of airline tickets. This is obligatory for all airlines that want to fly, to land or to start over Russian territory".

This includes credit card numbers, seating preferences, but also addresses and contact information at the destination in Russia. The decree does not distinguish between air travelers and passengers of ships, trains or buses. It comes into force at July 1st.

The EU Commission was not informed of this decree. The result can be the threat of a ban for airlines to use Russian areoports and airspace. Airlines are under EU law not allowed to pass on personal data of their their passengers to third countries.

If the EU allows this, the EU could yet equally set up a website: which then can easily be accessed by anyone to harvest information about you. For the very stupid I recommend a social plugin to be created so linking from Facebook or Twitter account is easy. This should be used then also as a log-in so not remember all these odd passwords. After the EU is close giving away completely without hesitation any private data of their citizens to the United States, what would be so shameless if the EU is passing your data also on to Russia? Maybe the phone call from your bank manager will then not such big surprise ;-)