Pro-Europeans are hoping this theory about David Cameron holds some truth

Worth reading if you don't want to go!

... and Angela Merkel has said as much this afternoon. Whilst she first said that the UK could take it's time to invoke Art 50, the suggestion by Cameron in Parliament today that there can be 'discussions' before doing so is a non starter.

It also leaves many Europeans living in the UK and UK citizens living abroad in Europe in a complete state of limbo. Yes, it is true that nothing changes until Art 50 is invoked (as Cameron said in the House today) but what happens after that is in the lap of the gods (which he also said) so no comfort there.

International business interests cannot take the gamble and I think we will see many withdrawing their facilites 'toot sweet'. As pour moi, it's naturalisation and the small minded little englanders can go sit on something large and uncomfortable.

A modicum of vibration to wake their senses up might not be regarded as unwelcome... éventuellement (after a suitable period of reflection, of course)

Graham I think this lunacy will be reversed, it'll be dressed up as something else but fundamentally reversed. The desire (which I guess we all share) to take a pop at Brussels just went out of control fanned by Boris and Gove's soundbites. Now the party's over the true horror is sinking in. Not least of all to Boris and Gove :-)

I hope you are right that it will be reversed John but can anyone afford to take the gamble and how long should they wait?

There is no-one taking the Government to account on this (apart from the SNP)

Well I'd like to see it reversed but how? Surely there really is no going back? I just don't understand how nearly half the voters can be ignored and sent on the road to oblivion.

I had a bit of an epiphany earlier. The Scots are potentially on a winner here. While the metrics don't add up now for Scotland's entry to the EU, the amount of UK based companies who will now bale and could be hoovered up by EU member Scotland is, I am sure, not insignificant. What poor old Brexiters don't understand is the vultures of Europe are descending to see what they can pick off. That's not only Paris, Frankfurt and Dublin but also Scotland.

This is going to become really, really dreadful for thr UK.

I'm sure sense will prevail Chris, Currently it's the whole of the UK on the road to oblivion. Maybe in ten years we'll be lauding this as having finally, once and for all, nobbled the whinging, little Britain, eurosceptics. They have the lead now, let's see them deliver.

We were talking to a French neighbour this afternoon and whilst my language skills aren't the best, he seemed genuinely shocked and dismayed at the UKs decision. I hope there is a way out of this mess, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of leadership going on at the moment. All that's left are headless chickens and I've still not read anything that convinces me there's anything resembling a plan B.

As I understand it, (I may be very wrong!), a referendum is 'advisory' rather than 'mandatory'. After the UK voted to join the EU in 73, there had to be an act of Parliament in Britain before we could formally enter into talks and join the EU. It was the duty of Parliament to decide if it was in Britains best interest and act accordingly. That done we joined the EU by, and only by, an act of Parliament and not by the referendum result. Now only Parliament can repeal that act and allow Britain to invoke article 50 and begin leave negotiations. So if I'm anywhere near right in my thinking, it has to now be approved by the House of Commons and then approved by the House of Lords and only if they believe that it is in Britains best interests! Whatever happens, I for one, wish they'd stop playing their silly little games, it may just be politics to them but for the rest of the people of Europe, it's our lives and we'd like to live it.

sent to

Dear Ann Coffey,

I am a registered voter in Stockport.

I voted to REMAIN, in the EU referendum, as, I believe did the majority of voters in Stockport.

I believe that the Commons will have to vote on the repeal of the 1972 European Communities Act before it becomes law.

I trust that you will vote against this, according to the wishes of the Stockport majority?

Yours sincerely,

WHR Bruton

Of course it does, John, but the EU will have to find some way of forcing the issue and they are hamstrung by the terms of the Lisbon treaty.

I wrote to my ex MP yesterday as well. There's also (yes, I know another one) petition but addressed to the European Parliament asking that due to misrepresentations made, changes in voters' feelings etc there be rigorous consultation on the merits of the referendum before any application to leave the EU is even entertained. It's quite short and sweet and well written.

Link attached if anyone needs it:

Interesting,..but you omit to mention that Alistair Campbell is a notorious Labour party (Tony B Liar's) 'spin doctor'.....