Protocol sanitaire meublés de tourisme

We have just received this from our tourist office …

Nous vous transmettons ci-joint le protocole sanitaire à destination des propriétaires de meublés de tourisme . Il est tout fait possible d’accueillir moins de 10 personnes dans le logement et les vacanciers doivent se situer à moins de 100 km de leur résidence principale. Les chambres d’hôtes peuvent faire table d’hôtes.

Protocole sanitaire UNPLV-O² Care Services.pdf (796.9 KB)

Clean from floor to ceiling ? Some walls have wallpaper, some walls are natural stone. The house is 200 yrs old with high ceilings. What a complete nightmare.

And all between 10.30am and 4pm!

I was due to work at the village campsite this year…no job now, as they’ve decided not to open due to the complicated situation.

@JaneJones That was a very interesting read and it’s good to know that guidelines for gîte rentals have been released although it’s very doubtful that every proprietor will observe them! I don’t envy anyone who offers holiday accommodation as it’s an impossible task to ensure the premises are free of COVID-19. Sadly everyone loses out.

The biggest risk is from ‘person to person’ transmission rather than touching a cleaned surface, if there was a week’s gap between bookings then it’s likely the virus on any surface couldn’t survive that long.

But not economically viable…

I agree Jane but that would give renters some confidence that they’re going into a safe environment.

Joyce might be in the minority as our all clients have got people desperate to come with many enquiries from French families.


Since we’re in a red zone I’m still expecting cancellations, so if we actually end up with every other week I will be happy!

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Out of our four rental clients only one has actually discussed with us what extra hygiene measures would possibly be needed, the other three just want the dosh! :unamused:

Treatment with disinfectant/bactericides/virucides isn’t necessarily with a wet sponge.

ULV (cold fog) and thérmo-nébulisation (hot fog) are available but must be done by professionals, not DIY and be careful of door knocking services spraying Detol.

We are a chambre d’hote and last year we frequently had 3 different pairs of guests over a weekend, so anything beyond a linen change, bathroom clean and hoover/dust is impossible. We will have to remain closed.

Update on my previous post. There are several gardes of disinfectants available. Some professional, agricultural disinfectants have been reassigned to “can be used on anything”. It will say usage professionnel or usage amateur.

After disinfecting, all surfaces that come in contact with the skin (or mouth) needs to be cleaned, effectively wash off the disinfectant, pfff. Also do not spray mattresses., they should be steamed. Some disinfectants are quite potent, so gloves and a decent face mask which will block fumes might ba a good idea if you’re using this stuff all the time.

The recommended mask filter I use has a label A2P3. This will block our fine dust particles, ULV and fog particles.

Mattresses should be steamed.

Good luck!

All this is fine if you are a large establishment, but for ourselves in our 70’s running one gite, too much for us to do.
We have had our bookings postponed until next year, except one for September,

That’s going to be almost impossible (we have 8 beds to change) it’s not the doing of it, it’s making sure they are aired and dry after steaming and then getting the beds made. Just wondering if a second set of impermeable mattress protectors might be the way to go…

A steamed mattress takes seconds to dry. I use a Polti Cimex Eradicator for steaming mattresses for bed bugs. No chemicals should be used on mattresses.

We ordered a steamer, but it hasn’t arrived. So we are telling clients what we are doing - changing mattress protector, duvets, pillows and cushions between clients, disinfecting all surfaces, removing or disinfecting books, guides and maps etc etc. Then it’s their choice to come or not as we give 100% refunds.

So far we remain fully booked from mid June to October…which is not what we thought would happen a few months back! But looking at the visitor traffic here yesterday I fear another lockdown.

I had a lot of info from the Tourist office today and am finding it more and more confusing. I know public swimming baths are closed but this morning info reads.
Meubles, chambre d’hote et Gites protocols sanitaire.
Regle general,
Fermeture des espaces collectif (petit dejeuner, PISCINE, spa.
I will go in and ask but for example some clients French want to book for end of August and they won’t want to come if my pool is closed. Or maybe they can use it if myself or other guests don’t use it ?

Just musing…
Is there some way the pool area can be guaranteed to be locked from other guests?? and would other guests be lazing/sunbathing/whatever near the entrance to the pool…

the idea is obviously to stop folk congregating in mixed groups… I guess…

As you say… go in and ask… but have your answers ready in your mind

The guidance issued by the ADN seems the most authoritative since it is a wide collective of tourism actors. I’ve pasted in what it says about pools below, so you just need to check there isn’t an arrête prefectural in your area. But as long as you tell people exactly what measures you are taking then it is their choice as to whether they are happy with that.

Espaces spécifiques (piscine, spas…)
□ L’accès aux piscines et équipements « bien-être » (ex : saunas, spas) est soumis à des règles : gestes barrières et distanciation physique, nombre
de personnes admises en même temps (autour de la piscine et dans l’eau au minimum, la fréquentation maximale instantanée ne doit pas dépasser trois personnes pour 2 m2 de plan d’eau en plein air et une personne par m2 de plan d’eau couvert. Cette fréquentation pouvant être encore réduite par précaution).
□ Dans tous les cas, l’accès à la piscine et aux équipements “bien-être” (sauna, spas…) ne sera possible que dans le respect des directives du gouvernement et/ou d’un éventuel arrêté préfectoral d’interdiction.
□ Informer les clients de toutes les dispositions mises en place pour leur sécurité
□ Faciliter la privatisation des espaces spécifiques par groupe avec des réservations par créneaux par exemple
□ Fournir des draps de bains dédiés par chambre, et non en libre-service aux abords
□ Adapter le protocole de nettoyage et de désinfection (cf. fiche n°2)
o Mobiliers (Chaises, transats, table terrasse etc…)
□ Inciter les clients à utiliser les solutions hydroalcooliques placées à proximité
□ Espacer le mobilier afin de respecter les règles de distanciation physique
□ Adapter le protocole de nettoyage et de désinfection quotidien et entre 2 familles ou groupes (en adaptant les produits aux matériaux cf. fiche n°2)