Question about Urssaf, La CIPAV etc


I have been an auto entrepreneur (micro entrepreneur) since mid-2017 and am still awaiting my numero de securité social. Endless letters to the CPAM have thus far only produced a numéro de sécurité sociale provisoire, which does not allow me to log in to things such as the Cipav website.

I am a liberal professional and pay my cotisations (22.2%; 22% micro BNC and 0.2% CFP) monthly, and have filed and paid income tax (impots) annually (and from this year, started monthly prelevements as well).

My question is this: I can make almost no sense of the French pension system, but am I correct in assuming that my monthly payments to Urssaf include health insurance payments (to whom?), basic pension (retraite de base) payments to Cipav, and my complementary pension payments (retraite complémentaire) (to whom?) And to whom can I write to get confirmation that these payments are being made?

Supplementary question: is the retraite complémentaire irrelevant to me as I do not employ anyone? In other words, can I ignore letters from these companies seeking me to join as (see link below) I have been automatically added to a retraite complémentaire scheme?
