Returning a 2nd hand car within 30 days

I’m sorry I said what i said David - I know you are trying to help, I’m a bit stressed out by all this and there never seems to be a simple solution and i did feel like you were barking answers at me and i ought to comply because the article you mention would be the defacto solution.

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if it wasn’t a disaster before, it’s getting there now. the Jeep they loaned me has sprung a coolant leak. I just got back to my village and noticed it pouring out. Thre Garage really aren’t being that helpful, didn’t even sound appologetic. they said that they didn’t even have to give me a courtesy car, and they have no more to lend. I need to look up what is the minimum service you get from a warranty. my old transporter van is booked in from leaking coolant too, but can’t be seen before 16th. stuck in the mountains with no vehicle and it’s due to snow monday

Jeez, dustyjon, life isn’t making things easy for you, is it. Next time you are at the shops, buy a lottery ticket, you are due a change in fortune . . . :slight_smile:

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i think i’ll have to write that letter now Brian

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The best of luck - I hope it all turns out for the best.

Thanks Brian - lettre recommandé avec accusé de réception - is that the same as ‘lettre recommandé’ avec ‘avis de reception’ ? just looking at the link you sent.

Yes - two terms for the same thing.
You can write your own letter and post it from any post office - ask for lettre recommandé avec accusé (or avis) de réceptiononline.
Or you can do the whole thing online from the LaPoste website. Make sure you tick the box marked Ajouter l’option Avis de réception towards the bottom of the page to add the receipt of delivery element.

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You’ll think I’m being repetitive but given the Jeep they’ve loaned has gone wrong as well are you really sure you want to keep the vehicle you purchased from this same garage and not try to find a way to reject it

And here I thought the crit-air thread was exciting…


great help thanks

I agree with you jane, it’s doing my head in. I’m not sure if i have the right to reject it yet. Brian has kindly posted a link for that letter de recommandé. There’s a €2000 deposit on the courtesy car in case of bodywork damage (not taken but ring fenced on my card), and i’d just put expensive all terrain tyres on the Van - I need to get that deposit back and those tyres off first maybe. fortunately a friend is now lending my a little old UK (but immatriculated) Ford Fiesta tomorrow

The damn courtesy car didn’t have a Crit Air sticker in either, I had to detour Toulouse just in case

I’m planning on taking it to a local garage when i get it back and get them to give it a thorough once over - this could help with Vice Cache. The Lettre de recommendé will be an option if i’m stuck with this broken courtesy car, and also the route to go if the local garage gives a damning report. It might just be an option anyway.

I can’t believe so much crap about buying a bloody car :roll_eyes:

Now you’re really gonna think i’m boring but my original idea was to take it to another main dealer for an evaluation but decided not to suggest this as they all know each other. Somewhere further away, maybe. But then you know what I think anyway :slight_smile:

Hi Karen, i’m sure i mentioned somewhere on this thread i was thinking of doing this when i get the van back. it’s a good idea. i might even just take it to my local garage who i trust. There is a big Peugeot dealer in the same town. The garage who sold it is a small independent 130 km away.
I’ve been hounding them with question. I told them that it was stupid to have changed the warranty from nationwide Peugeot, to just his garage because it’s caused both me and him loads of hassle - including this dire courtesy car. It would have been much easier if i’d dropped it off 25km away with Peugeot. He responded “well, the Peugeot warranty wouldn’t cover the ADBlue issues”. This does sound like he expected a problem there, hence a potential Vice Cache in a Whatsapp. I also asked what the state of play was, they’d had it a week and last friday they said it was probably an ADBlue injector, 2 days ago they said it was still being diagnosed, and now yesterday he says it has to go to Peugeot to be reprogrammed. Which i believe is the process. Stupidly this also undermines what he’d said about the warranty.
I’ve been lent an old banger from a friend, an old UK Ford Focus (french plates of course), so i’ll play this along. Should I need to pull the Vice Cache trigger, I could well be gathering appropriate evidence.
Thanks for considering options for me. Those with snarky comments about ‘all this for a car’ need not bother commenting really, it just bungs up the topic. :smiley:

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I have the very car for you: 3 yr warranty 20k kms, Golf R. Zip around your customers at the speed of light, and no AdBlue woes…a song at 40k€ :heart_eyes:

ah, does it have 4x4 and diff lock Adam :joy:? my custumers live in mountain barns up the Pyrenees

The vehicle is as flaky as h*** dustyjon. You know it and I know it. Not so much the vehicle itself as it’s “just” possible the issues are one-off AdBlue issue and not the DPF needing the expensive clean as well as I suspect.

The flakiness is more from the garage you’re buying it from. As such I wouldn’t take any vehicle from them as I have limited resources.

I’ve had several bangers in my life when I wasn’t driving company cars. Including some very ancient ones, that were either good as gold or terrible mistakes. And the one thing I’ve learned is when any vehicle starts going bad, it keeps on going bad. With extremely rare exceptions I’ve heard about where someone with funds was prepared to pay one-off to clear initial problems on a second hand vehicle, and then had many blissful years of only standard maintenance, especially if a diesel.

So I know you’re literally between a rock and a hard place but I wouldn’t have the resources so I’d get rid.

Have you thought of taking a long term hire while seasonal rates are low, and following @captainendeavour’s route of sourcing very much cheaper in the UK? Late January being an excellent time for this.

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I fear that this car really is not for you! You are still in the 4x4 and difflock era! The Golf R has a PDK box with Haldex drive - ie drive to the wheel that needs the power. Infinitely superior!

I only threw this in to keep the thread going by adding in some levity :rofl: