So finally we have received an updated set of Attestations from RSI with the correct spelling of Jasmine's name (after I phoned at least 5 times & wrote 3 times). We also have Isabelle added which is means a few less feuille de soins from now on (phew - just sent in over 700 euros worth last week!).

If only they could get their act together and send us our Carte Vitales...already more than 1 year since we registered in France & everytime I contact them their advisors are surprised we haven't yet got them...saying 'oh that is a long time' as if to add insult to injury they then insist they have no record of my letters...where do they go to? A big black hole in Bourges?

Come on RSI/RAM whichever of you is supposed to sort out our CV's please get a move on, my photocopier is getting tired and so am I!