RT2012 regs and Barn Conversions

Has anyone recently applied for planning permission to convert a barn?

We're trying to find out whether the latest update to the RT2012 regs include barn conversions as the regs seem a bit ambiguous and barns aren't mentioned.

Many thanks..

I just thought I'd add to this, we are further down the line now with planning. We put in for the permit without the regs for the RT 2012 (PM suggested we do this) and we seem to be OK. We are having to modify our plans a little but nothing to do with the RT 2012

I just started with Leroy Merlin to get an idea, the smaller ones are around 1300 and we'll need 6. But I spoke to my plumber last night, he is going to get me a price today. He already came back with an excellent price on the clim systems, he'll do me a deal as long as he fits them.

What prices are you being quoted for the thermodynamic?

You do it at the same time you put in your permit. Our conversion is bigger than 170, so we have to have a PM. Have you looked into what water heating you will use.The price of the thermodynamic is staggering.

As for your original question. It is worth checking as it can vary by area. Our PM wasn't sure as there can be exceptions but he checked with the DDE and unfortunately we have to comply.

He also said that although no one is checking at the moment he is sure in the next few years they will and when you come to sell you will have to comply. So even if at first you don't, eventually you will have to do what you said you would.

OK..thanks for that.

Do you, or anyone else, know how we go about getting this done and part of the planning process?

The barn conversion will be just less than 170 sq mtrs, so we were hoping to do the dossier ourselves to save time and money....and we want to retain most of the interior stone walls.

As far as I was aware, yes they do, but nobody comes out to check that you've complied - you sign on your honour that you have complied...!

Deux cas de figures s’imposent selon l’importance des travaux entrepris par le maître d’ouvrage :

  • Cas d’une rénovation lourde sur bâtiment de plus de 1000m2 :

Il s’agit de bâtiments résidentiels ou tertiaires répondant simultanément aux conditions suivantes :

  • l’achèvement du bâtiment est postérieur au 1er janvier 1948
  • la surface de plancher est supérieure à 1000m2
  • le coût des travaux de rénovation thermique est supérieur à 25% de la valeur (hors foncier) du bâtiment.

Une étude de faisabilité des approvisionnements en énergie devra être prévue préalablement au dépôt du permis de construire. La RT Existant impose pour ces bâtiments un objectif de performance globale après rénovation (RT globale).

  • Tout autre cas de rénovation :

La RT Existant impose des exigences de performance minimale pour tout élément installé ou remplacé (RT élément par élément). La RT élément par élément par élément concerne donc :

  • tous les bâtiments résidentiels (surface de plancher <1000m2),
  • tous les bâtiments tertiaires datant d’avant 1948
  • les bâtiments tertiaires de surface de plancher inférieure à 1000m2
  • les bâtiments tertiaires de surface de plancher supérieure à 1000m2 mais dont le montant des travaux de rénovation thermique est inférieur à 25% de la valeur du bâtiment (hors foncier).