Hi all. If there are any budding rugby players in and around the Confolens area, you will be more than welcome at stade de la Tullette, Fridays from 8pm. Must be over 18years. Contact me on 06 80 63 99 79 for further details.
I assume you're talking about the 'girlie' version of the game Nico , not Rugby League, the man's game ?
Hello Tony. Yes Bordeaux is a fair distance to travel (even my son doesn't come back from Bordeaux to train or to play - but I think he has discovered women and beer too!).
We are a very small local side, only 22 playing licences this year, but of course you would be more than welcome. Any support is good support and if it helps you into the bargain, why not.
Hi Nick, I'm afraid Confelons is a bit far form Bordeaux for the training but I could be interested in the matches.
SOFICAS used to invite people to the Riberac games, it was a good way to fill up the beer tent and also chat about clients "health issues" during the game, (CPAM, RSI, NHS, top-up ect...).
What do you think?
That is training Fridays, matches Sundays.